Freedom House report: World freedom has declined for the 18th consecutive year, it will decline in 2023

A woman covers her mouth with a placard reading “Freedom of Expression” during a march in Venezuela (File)

Deep and widespread decline in global freedom seen in 2023Which means that almost four out of every ten people in the world live in countries that are not considered free, the American think tank indicated this Thursday freedom House,

Of the 195 countries analyzed in its latest report on the state of freedom and democracy, 38% of the population lives in “non-free” countries, another 42% in “partially free” countries and the remaining 20% ​​in free zones. . ,

Overall, according to that summary, Freedom worsens for 22% of world’s population in 2023With a decline in countries or regions such as Indonesia, Niger or Nagorno-Karabakh, and an improvement of up to 7% for residents of Thailand, Nigeria or Fiji.

Countries whose population saw widespread declines in their political rights and civil liberties Three times more than in areas where improvements had taken place,

Protesters in front of the Institute of Radio and Television (ICRT) as they are loaded onto a truck on a street in Havana (EFE/Ernesto Mastrascusa/File)

In America For example, they are in the headlines nicaragua And Venezuela By “election rigging“, And Cuba For him “established authoritarianism, These three countries together haiti, They are the only people on the American continent who are considered “not free”.A qualification that affects a total of 56 countries and 11 territories and is abundant in Africa and Eurasia.

The figures were similar to those in its previous report, which included 57 countries and 10 “not free” territories.

However, the number of 34 countries that had an improvement in 2022 has increased to 21 in 2023, and the 35 countries that had a setback in 2022 has increased to 52 in this latest assessment.

The organization highlighted that the breadth and depth of the decline has been “enormous”.and specified that Attempts to disrupt various electionsTo resort to violence and manipulation for this purpose.

“Attempts to change the outcome of an election after voting has taken place are a particularly dangerous form of electoral manipulation,” he warned. freedom House At a time when in 2024, about 4 billion people in different countries have been called to vote.

The Russian offensive in Ukraine has further undermined basic rights in the occupied territories and intensified repression in Russia itself (Picture, Vladimir Putin, President of Russia/Reuters/Evgeniya Novozhenina)

The think tank emphasized that Threats of armed conflict and totalitarianism They have made the world less safe and less democratic. For example, Russian invasion in UkraineOf which two years have already passed, Further curtailed basic rights in the occupied territories and intensified repression in Russia itself,

Russia, Peru, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua and the Gaza Strip are some of the places whose rights and freedoms situation has deteriorated the most, while the main progress has been seen in Mauritania, Liberia, Nepal and Thailand.

From the results of this latest report, world freedom accumulates Failures for 18 consecutive years, As Freedom House found, democracies are not immune to the effects of repression within their territories.

That institution stressed that, even before the war in Gaza began last October, much of the erosion of Israeli democratic institutions was linked to discriminatory practices that were adopted to extend control over the occupied West Bank. The conflict has made the situation even more serious.

However, electoral obstacles and armed conflict are not the only threats to independence: LGBT+ rights have been limited, migrants and refugees have been subject to arbitrary deportations and physical violence, and religious freedom has been suppressed in some countries.,

The Washington-based Freedom House has sought to support independent and political leaders by offering support and funding to those on the front lines in the fight against tyranny, protecting activists in exile and facilitating their work, holding dictators accountable for their abuses, among other measures. Recommended to protect the conduct of fair elections. ,

(with information from EFE)

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