Frontman of Grammy-nominated Christian rock band criticizes Demi Lovato’s song ‘So Much Evil’

John Cooper, who leads the Grammy-nominated Christian rock band Skillet, is speaking about the challenges Christian parents face in teaching their children their values ​​in a world filled with pop culture and media that are in opposition. Have ideas.

Speaking on the PluggedIn podcast to promote his new book,
weak, weak and woke up, Cooper gave the example of singer Demi Lovato and her song “Swine”, which was released in protest of the 2022 one-year anniversary of the Supreme Court overturning Roe vs. Wade.

Cooper said, “It was her kind of pro-life song. And in that one song, she hides a lot of evil.” “In that song, she gives us the best pro-life argument we ever give, which is that people aren’t killing their kids because they can’t afford it. They’re killing their kids because “They want to have sex with them. I want whoever I want, whenever I want. I don’t want to use birth control. I should be able to do whatever I want.”

“It’s completely narcissistic, completely evil and then she’s yelling at all the people who are saying it’s murder,” he said.

Cooper then urged parents not to ignore songs like Lovato’s, but rather, “Have these conversations with your kids. It’s going to take some work for you to understand the worldview. But for my kids, when they When they started to understand those things, they were, like, ‘This is horrifying.'”

The singer, whose band has released 11 studio albums since 1996, two of which have gone platinum, also spoke on other topics, including Christian parents finding themselves in the midst of a “culture war” with their children about sexual identity and porn. Can be found discussing literature.

Lovato confirmed last year that her song is a rallying cry for reproductive rights: “It’s been one year since the Supreme Court’s decision to gut the constitutional right to safe abortion, and though the road ahead will be challenging, we must remain united. will be.” Fight for reproductive justice,” the non-binary singer-songwriter wrote on Instagram.

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