Gianluigi Donnarumma surprises by mentioning the Peruvian team and leaves a message to Gianluca Lapadula

Italian goalkeeper Gianluigi Donnarumma talked about the upcoming clash against the Peruvian team. What did they say about Gianluca Lapadula?

internal causes ‘Bicolor’ replaced rivals, so the Peruvian team could not face Italy in the international duel. Given this, the archer Gianluigi Donnarumma Decided to speak up and send a strong message.

Figures from PSG and the Italian team spoke to the international media and one of their concerns was related to the Peruvian team, in this sense they mentioned the following: “We didn’t know that Peru would be our opponent”Which surprised more than one person.

Donnarumma does not forget Lapadula

On the other hand, the former AC Milan goalkeeper indicated that he has a good relationship with Gianluca Lapadula and highlighted his qualities: “Gianluca Lapadula is a great striker and I know him very well. He is a good friend. We talk often and he always works hard in everything he does. I always wish him the best. “

Which team will Italy play against?

For this FIFA date, Italy has agreed to two friendlies against South American teams: against Venezuela on Thursday, March 21 and against Ecuador on Sunday, March 24, with all matches taking place in the North American zone.

Why hasn’t Peru stopped playing with Italy?

Although it was assumed that Peru would play against Italy on the FIFA date in March, when Professor Jorge Fossati took over he gave the reasons for the decision over other rivals: “When I arrived they asked me my opinion and my opinion is that we came for objectives. Now the Copa America is a big objective and the other is the qualifier matches. I think we should look for rivals like them on our way. are, i.e. the opponents we are going to face in the Copa America and/or qualifiers, and I don’t believe Italy is within that specialtyICA”.

(Tags to translate) Gianluigi Donnarumma (T) Donnarumma (T) Peru (T) Peru national team (T) Gianluca Lapadula (T) LaPadula

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