Google fires about 12 thousand people in a year

Google Has done retrenchment on a large scale and their number is around 12 thousand. People Those who remain unemployed from the said corporate January From 2023 till today.

A year ago, Google and its parent company, Alphabet, reported layoffs to cut costs; And so far, among the hundreds of employees laid off are from the hardware, voice assistance and engineering sectors.

“Invest responsibly in our company’s highest priorities and the important opportunities ahead,” Google said in a press release.

And although Google has many departments that have been affected by mass layoffs, the company itself has admitted that the area of ​​augmented reality is the one that is most affected. And the layoffs taking place so far are about six percent of Google’s total workforce.

“Unfortunately we need to significantly reduce the size of the recruiting organization, which North American media CNBC has access to,” Brian Ong, vice president of recruiting at Google, said in a video call with his employees.

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