Google said goodbye to News: This change happened due to Artificial Intelligence

The content generated in the search engine is from Gemini. (Reuters)

Google unexpectedly decided to conduct a test. The search engine removed the news section to evaluate some aspects, although some users have not reacted in the best way, since this tab allows them to find publications made directly by media outlets.

This category has been active for almost two decades and that is why this temporary decision has generated a lot of surprise, Therefore, some people have commented on social networks that they “do not like” these types of tests.

Given the change in platform, A Google spokesperson assured that the decision is a partial measure to explore new ways of asking questions. And see how users access information in different orders in search engines.

The content generated in the search engine is from Gemini. (X/@SarahScire)

“We’re testing different ways to display filters in Search and as a result, a small subset of users were temporarily unable to access some of them,” the spokesperson said in statements published by Gizmodo.

Instead of traditional news optionsSome users were redirected to an AI-powered overview that summarized their search. Which has raised expectations of how AI will become increasingly present on platforms and replace functions that have existed in search engines for years.

in this matter, Artificial intelligence generated content was created by Gemini, The technology the company is promoting supports these types of options and replaces Bard, which was the initial platform launched in 2023.

The content generated in the search engine is from Gemini. (efe)

Apart from the user’s doubts, The removal of this section may also affect the media.Which gives this tab a strong value to put your content there and directly reach out to people who are asking questions about related topics.

Which shows the strong influence Google currently has on the way we consume news. Having a platform that can influence the way certain content is viewed and accessed.

The commitment to the integration of artificial intelligence is much more than partially removing the news section in search engines. The company has maximized its efforts in the last year to have more devices on other platforms in which this technology is present.

For example, Google announced an update to its search engine with the integration of Lens in searches. It will allow multiple queries based on artificial intelligence by capturing images.

By using the camera to capture an image or uploading a photo to the app and entering a query, the search function will go beyond finding visual similarities. What the AI ​​will do is display results that will allow users to ask more detailed questions about what they see, making it easier to quickly access and understand relevant data.

The second issue is the breadth of information when performing a general search on Google. For example, when searching: ‘quesadillas have cheese’, it is common to see links accessing web pages that address the question. But with the integration of artificial intelligence, the initial result will be a summary of all the information, organized in a more concrete and easier to read way.

After presenting this data, the search engine will give the user new options to continue expanding their query. A series of buttons will then appear below with related questions such as: ‘What’s in a quesadilla’ or ‘Why is it called a quesadilla’. Something that will give the option to continue the conversation without leaving the search engine.

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