He belonged to the Gulf tribe

International Editorial.– In the midst of a routine operation by the Antioquia police on the road leading from Chocó to Medellín, Two gold ingots weighing about 15 kg were seized, which were to be sold on the black market in the capital of Antioquia.

The gold material was locked inside a vehicle, which was thoroughly inspected after the driver showed suspicious behavior when requested by the Highway Police.

According to authorities, the gold was obtained through illegal mining in Chocó and belonged to the Clan del Golfo, a criminal group that controls most of the clandestine mines in that region.

“Five kilos of gold was seized at a check post yesterday by the traffic and transport police. “A police officer noticed panic in the driver and decided to search the vehicle, and two gold bars weighing approximately five kilos were seized.” Colonel Carlos Andrés Martínez, commander of the Antioquia police, made the announcement.

The police officer announced that the gold bars were valued at $1.3 billion on the market and that they were left at the disposal of the Bank of the Republic for safekeeping until the judicial process proceeded.

“The gold came from Choco, from the area where the Gulf clan has influence and they took it to Medellin to market it,” said the commander of the Antioquia police.

Meanwhile, the man who was driving the car where the gold was stored was captured and placed at the disposal of the Prosecutor’s Office, which will prosecute him for the crime of illegal exploitation of mining deposits and other materials.

Colonel Martínez also announced that within the action taken in Antioquia against the narco-paramilitary group, a cocaine production laboratory located in a rural area of ​​the municipality of San Pedro de los Milagros was destroyed.

According to the officer, the laboratory was hidden in a house on the sidewalk, where they also found a stash of cocaine ready to be sold.

“(We found) a cove in Vereda el Espino in San Pedro de los Milagros, which has a production capacity of half a ton (of alkaloids) per month,” The policeman said.

Microwave ovens containing 20 kg of cocaine, 56 kg of solid chemical input and 250 liters of liquid chemical input required for processing cocaine hydrochloride were found at the scene, which were burnt along with the drug stock.

“This is another amplifier of the Gulf Tribe’s economic potential. A great work has been done by our anti-narcotics police as part of the strategy to disrupt criminal economies and we have a result within the framework of Operation Agamemnon which focuses on the structural weakening of the clan,” Colonel Carlos Andrés Martínez concluded.

The destruction of that laboratory has been added to another destruction carried out by the National Army in the rural areas of Cáceres (Antioquia) and San José de Ure (Cordoba), where wooden structures were found containing 120 gallons of coca base paste, in the process the solution Contains 200 gallons of alkaloids, 75 kilograms of crushed coca leaves, 25 kilograms of ammonia and 15 gallons of gasoline; Also 20 gallons of ACPM, 20 kilograms of cement, 16 plastic cans and a craft press.

Officials indicated that the production centers could generate 75 kilograms of coca base paste per week, representing an income of more than $500 million for the Gulf Clan’s finances.


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