He says medical faculty needs to review study plans

Mexico City, February 6 (EL Universal).- With an enrollment of 10,104 students studying degrees in Medical Surgery, Basic Biomedical Research, Human Nutrition Sciences, Forensic Sciences, Physiotherapy and Neurosciences, the Faculty of Medicine (FM) of UNAM has a is required. Its director, Ana Carolina Sepúlveda Villadosola, said continuous review of its study plans aims to make them more flexible and integrate basic and clinical sciences to a greater extent.

“We need to review study plans and tailor assessment processes to place more emphasis on processes rather than outcomes, which allows for greater feedback with students,” he said.

According to the pediatrician, one of the challenges facing this team is to obtain more humanistic medical science professionals who are able to combine their specialized knowledge with a common culture that is based on ethics, art and doctor-doctor relationships. Integrates revaluation.

The director of the FM, the first woman to reach the top post of that academic unit, presented in a statement the main guidelines of her action plan, which she will carry out during the period 2024-2028.

She expressed that currently the face in this faculty is more feminine: 67% of women study bachelor’s degrees and 54% of specializations.

Sepulveda Villadosola speculates that her leadership can provide a more horizontal perspective with empathy and inspiration to show young women that “yes it is possible.”

To strengthen gender equality, it will promote an intensive training program and strengthen work with institutions such as the UNAM Coordination for Gender Equality and the National Academy of Medicine, in addition to working to achieve NMX, including on violence. There is a support office for victims of. -R-025-SCFI-2015 Standards in certification, labor equality and non-discrimination.

In addition to this large population in undergraduate degrees, there is the Combined Studies Scheme in Medicine, through which 99 young people study to become medical surgeons from undergraduate degree to doctorate; There are also 13,474 students in specialization, 1,580 in higher specialization and 417 students in master’s and doctoral degrees.

Sepúlveda Villadosola specified that teaching staff will also be provided with training programs in areas such as new information and communication technologies, which have gained momentum since the pandemic and are now part of hybrid teaching.

FM currently has 4,388 academic appointments, of which 290 are full-time professors/researchers; 83.1 percent of them perform group activities and 186 belong to the National System of Researchers (SNII). In addition, there are 332 full-time academic technicians, 49 appointed from SNII.

Another pending item demanded by the student community is to increase the space in the libraries, as they are currently saturated, as well as to promote the consultation of old books which have been demanded to be digitized to facilitate their reading.

For the Director of FM, another of his main challenges is to put people (students, teachers and workers) at the center and enhance the doctor-patient relationship, which will continue to be of value in medical practice.

The integration of artistic and cultural activities (such as dance, theatre, cinema, concerts, debating and conversation) will be promoted to achieve more comprehensive medical training, which considers them alongside career specialization and debate on cutting edge. Margin topics.

(Tags to translate)Faculty of Medicine(T)Training Programs(T)National System of Researchers(T)National Academy of Medicine(T)Study Plans(T)FM

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