Health Ministry warns of salmonella in Quaker Oats

Tegucigalpa, Honduras.-With an urgent warning call to the population, health secretary This Saturday he advised Hondurans Avoid consuming products According to the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (for its acronym in English) and the health regulatory agency of Honduras – ARSA, Quaker Oats brands have been found to be contaminated with Salmonella.

Authorities have warned about a possible increase in diarrhea cases that could lead to an epidemic. The Health Ministry says that by this Epidemiology Week No cases have been registered Of salmonellosis.

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In view of the current alert issued by ARSA to the general public, you are advised not to consume the products of the concerned brand until further notice from the competent authorities. Remove or destroy the above brand products.

Also, do not consume raw or undercooked food or contaminated well water without boiling it at high temperatures, practice frequent hand washing before eating food and after attending to your physical needs.

What causes Salmonella?

The global warning indicates that the said product is infected with Salmonella, a common bacterial disease that affects the intestinal tract.

Salmonella bacteria normally live in the intestines of animals and humans and are passed through feces; The most common form of infection in humans is through contaminated water and food and can cause diarrhea that may contain blood, fever, and stomach cramps.

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Most people recover without antibiotic treatment in 4 to 7 days. But some people with severe diarrhea may need to be hospitalized or receive antibiotics.

right here full statement of the Ministry of Health

The company released the list of products under alert

The Quaker company, in communication with EL Heraldo, detailed that there are 70 products that have had to be withdrawn from the market in the United States, but only Eight are those that are sold in Honduras And oats are not among the warned products.

Below are eight products from the brand that they recommend not consuming until further notice.

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