Health professionals in Europe will fight for these reforms

Domingo Antonio Sanchez, Jose Luis Cobos, Jesús Aguilar and Manuel Berdullas.

european elections They arrive in June and, with them, a new Health professions councils will take advantage of this opportunity Putting the health and priority objectives of each of them at the forefront once again. With the arrival of the new European Parliament to be formed after these elections, which will take place in Spain on June 9, the professionals Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy and Psychology they have planned New individual actions with Europe And they would prefer their personal projects to go to Europe, although they do not rule out rapprochement between themselves.

From Collegiate Medical Organization (WTO) Describe the situation “out of caution”. National Representative of Young Doctors of OMC, domingo antonio sanchez, tells this newspaper that relations with European parliamentary groups “have always been direct.” “When new European Parliamentarians are elected, First contact will again be given by WTO To maintain this relationship. The fact that other institutions can also get involved could be an option. But, for now we will continue it as before. The idea is to wait to see how the new European Parliament is constituted and to make a proposal for action regarding European tasks,” he says.

He General Nursing Council of Spain (CGE), for its part, states that it will participate through its European institutions, such as the European Nursing Federation (EFN), to carry out the necessary reforms and regulatory developments. ,We will make the necessary contacts with Spanish parliamentary groups And to influence the European essential developments. We also urge that nursing candidates be on the list of political parties, as in previous legislatures”, claims jose luis cobosVice President of CGE and member of the Board of Directors of the International Council of Nurses (ICN).

Perspectives of pharmacy and psychology in Europe

About this Verbs that will be expressed with Spanish pharmacy To achieve its European objectives, the President of the General Council of Pharmacists (CGCOF), jesus aguilarLet’s say that, this year, they will make a “Close monitoring” of the new legislature in Europe.Particularly through the European Pharmaceutical Group (PGEU), of which in 2024 Aguilar is a member of its Executive Committee: “Before the European institutions a large part of the activity of community pharmacies was coordinated through the Pharmaceutical Group European Parliament (PGEU). In addition, there is continued activity with Spanish European Parliamentarians and we will do so in the European elections Presenting your proposals to various political parties,

Psychology As a “more immediate” measure, it has been established that, once the European elections are over, together with the Portuguese Psychological Order and the EFPA (Federation of European Psychological Associations), They are planning to hold a conference in Brussels on the need to regulate psychologyAll this, as a health profession “to which the Health Commissioner, other people and parliamentary groups will be invited”, as indicated manuel burdullasCoordinator of International Relations and Deputy Member of the Presidency of the Official College of Psychology (COP).

International conferences are proposed in Brussels to regulate psychology as a health profession internationally.

Priority lines of medicine and nursing for Europe

In addition to strengthening ties with Europe, the health professions have some priorities pending for the new legislature. In medical terms, Sanchez They demand that Europe develop equitable health policiesPromote healthy lifestyles to prevent diseases, support health professionals by offering better working conditions, emotional support and continuous training for doctors and health workers.

“We also demand Investing in technology and digitalization“To improve the efficiency and accessibility of health services, including telemedicine and, of course, focusing on mental health, prioritizing it as an integral part of health care for both patients and health professionals”, Sanchez lists. Is.

For CGE, the challenges they face with Europe are “extreme” Shortage of nurses, which is a need throughout EuropeInvesting more to incorporate new technologies into the healthcare sector and working more on aspects related to medicines and patient safety, from antibiotic resistance to prescription of medicines by nurses, a topic on which “in many European countries “The work is being done.”

“We have a huge deficit and we have to rebuild health systems and this must be addressed as a priority Leadership and participation of nurses in decision making bodies. Health policies are fundamental and that is why participation of nurses should be encouraged and the law should be amended so that it can be effective,” its vice president explained.

Cooperation and common frameworks in Europe

Pharmacists say the European Parliament will have the opportunity to promote disease prevention by strengthening primary care in this legislature and, within it, Role of community pharmacists in providing pharmaceutical services to patients Quality, which includes public health interventions “for example, through screening and early detection and disease prevention from pharmacies.”

“Furthermore, Europe must protect its Collaboration between pharmacists at different levels of care and with other health care professionals, for example, allowing electronic prescription systems to be linked with electronic medical records (or at least pharmacotherapeutic histories) to provide patient-centred care and therefore improve health care .”, Aguilar argues.

For psychologists, Burdullas highlights that the new Commissioners for Health should extend the objectives of professional mobility to psychologists in different ways: “To facilitate the creation of a common training framework for psychologistsPromoting the regulation of the profession (all of it) as a health profession, regulating psychiatric services as a specialization of doctors and psychologists and providing primary care centers with psychologists, a measure that aims to promote mental health and “has proven extremely useful in preventing the most frequent disorders,” he concluded.

Information published in medical writing includes statements, data and announcements from official institutions and health professionals. However, if you have any queries related to your health, consult your respective health expert.

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