How to be happy, according to the world’s happiest man

This monk has dedicated much of his life to contemplating the human condition (Matthew

matthew richard is a Buddhist monk who has been classified by the scientific community as “The happiest man in the world”. And although there is nothing that allows us to measure whether he is really this person, neurology experts call him so because on one occasion they used his brain to measure positive effects of meditation And they found that The area of ​​their brain associated with feelings of well-being was unusually active.

But beyond meditation, this man has dedicated his life to learning what makes us happy or sad, as the case may be.

Some of these principles are reflected in one of his books, Memoirs of a Buddhist Monk, Where he reflects on the lessons he has learned from spiritual gurus who have marked his path towards well-being and a departure from selfishness in favor of unconditional love.

Happiness may have subjective parameters (pictorial image infobay)

These are some of the lessons he learned and shared about his experience in the pursuit of happiness and that we can apply in our lives:

-Develop wisdom and compassion: According to Monk, in addition to investing time in productive skills, it will also be important to invest in acquiring this asset which is the most important but least valuable knowledge.

Furthermore, practicing our acts of kindness will also make us Let’s stop focusing on ourselves And in your pain and realize that there are so many people going through things even harder.

-Say no to the pursuit of selfish happiness: Pursuing happiness based on getting everything I’ve always dreamed of will always lead to sadness because, again, it’s a personal happiness And not collectively.

He has commented in interviews, “Altruism is the only way to simultaneously achieve the well-being of others and our own.”

-Respect and care for the environment: Although it may seem that it has nothing to do with our happiness, the monks assure that the biggest challenge of this century will be the devastation caused by nature as a result of climate change, so we must start being aware of it Caring for nature is a way to ensure its survival And welfare.

According to the monk, the key to happiness is to seek the collective good (illustrative image infobay)

-Practice renunciation: For the record, detachment does not mean depriving ourselves of every good thing that exists, but rather that it is not the main purpose of our lives.

“We often have a kind of Dependence on the causes of suffering But renunciation is inner freedom,” he explains in his book. In this sense, altruism explains that tying ourselves to things, people or certain circumstances causes the most pain, which is why it is important not to bind yourself to anything And learn that everything is temporary.

Originally from Aix-les-Bains, France, Mathieu was 21 when he experienced a transformation during a trip to India in 1946. He explains that when they met on June 12, 1967, they were together before and after that day Kangyur RinpocheHis first great spiritual master.

This encounter was so shocking to him that he decided to leave his comfortable life, his education and a predictable future and enter an unknown world. Contemplation, meditation, prayer, sacrifice and happiness.

Buddhist monk Mathieu Ricard was born in France

This was the beginning of a journey that would transform him into one of the most prominent Buddhist monks internationally, embodying the ideal of a “nomadic” monk in the purest sense: beginning with India alone, as his spiritual The journey inspired him to travel. Bhutan, Nepal and Tibet. Matthew remains detached from material things and worldly relations, in a constant quest to understand the fundamental mysteries of life.

And for his humanitarian work in favor of the survival of Tibetan culture, he was named Knight of the National Order of Merit By President François Mitterrand. All the best titles that he receives as a gift, but they do not suit him.

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