WhatsApp has improved its connection to protect not only calls but also video calls from bad sound, The latter allows you to see your friend in real time without worrying about it hanging all the time or having annoying delays. Although both features are completely free, Meta App keeps adding features that very few users actually know about.
There is a choice of one of them WhatsApp This allows you to send messages without relying on your internet or your data package, It is quite easy to use, but it is necessary to know a code which is located on the chip of your smartphone’s NanoSIM or eSIM. So here we leave you all the data to get it.
Look: WhatsApp: What does the “i” symbol mean in your conversations
Of course, there is no need to install any third-party applications, on the contrary, everything is done from the same Meta App.
How to use WhatsApp without internet
- The first thing to do will be to enter your fully updated WhatsApp.
- You can get the latest version here Google Play one of two ios store,
- Next, enter the app and go to the Settings or Configuration section.
- You will see various functions, you just have to click on “Storage and data”.
- Now look for the “Proxy” option and then “Set Proxy”.
- At that time you should search in your favorite browser to find out which is the proxy for your smartphone.
- you can use this web page Having greater precision.
- After generating your proxy address, you now need to copy and paste it into “Configure”.
- When you click “Save”, your device will automatically receive data via satellite, so you can send WhatsApp messages without the need for Internet.
- This is quite useful, especially when you are in an area where the signal fails and messages do not come through for any reason.
How to know if your WhatsApp backup is not free
- First of all you have to go to WhatsApp settings.
- Then go to chats.
- At that time go to backup.
- You will see how much your backup takes.
- Google Drive only gives you 15 GB completely free for your WhatsApp backup.
- If you go over the full weight, it will start charging you for membership if you want.
- If a file named WhatsApp appears then you can check your Google Drive folder.
- You can also see how much space you currently have left.
- It is best to create a WhatsApp backup without adding photos or videos.
Did you like this new information? WhatsApp, Did you learn any useful tips? This application is full of ‘secrets’, codes, shortcuts and new tools that you can keep trying and for more notes you just have to enter the following link WhatsApp In Depor, and that’s all. What are you waiting for?
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