“I almost quit medicine in my second year.”

Every year thousands of candidates appear for the exam Resident Internal Physician (MIR) all in spain, without moving forward, 13,990 people They registered across the country to take this exam on January 20. And, of all of them, noelia garcia ,madrid, 1999) has been the best of all. However, the young woman has not only been successful number 1 of 2024but got the best grade in an exam mir -In net reactions– Of all history. a record. a milestone.

madrid Have received, in particular, 186.67 net correct answers in 200 questionswhich is equal to a 93.33% positive responses, It has infringed the previous trademark registered by Daniel Virceda With results in 2020 MIR 179.42 net hits, However, garcia He has been honest and admitted to EL ESPAÑOL that during the first and second years of his career he was close to quitting his career. Medicine,

“In two first courses of medicine i was average Extraordinary With their excellence scholarship, but I kept thinking maybe I had made a mistake. Since we only taught general subjects and we hadn’t had any practice in a hospital yet, I thought: ‘I don’t know if it’s worth so much effort…’. In SecondIn fact, i almost quit the race, I went to the secretary’s office to ask what I needed to do to make a change nutritionBut when I went they told me that its specific stage selectivity, so if I wanted to change I had to repeat it. so i stayed in Medicine“, this newspaper reveals Number 1 of MIR of 2024,

Noelia Garcia is No. 1 in the MIR of 2024.


It was a kind of chance, of months, that led to this noelia garcia keep studying Medicine In Autonomous University of Madrid ,UAM, “Thank God I didn’t change,” she says now, feeling relieved, and even more so after the signing. The best MIR test of the 21st century And the best in terms of pure successes of the entire historical series. But, of course, nothing is free and there is extreme dedication. noelia in their studies, both in career and MIR preparationhas done the work of touching 187 out of 200,

From third Until 6th careerIn this respect his average was excellent. He never failed in any exam and left good memories wherever he went. “I trained in many hospitals. From third at the beginning of room I was in the Rajkumari HospitalBut since I was a little away from home, I changed, and since then room I was in by the time I finished the race La Paz Hospital, where I was born. It was close to home. Besides, I plan to take up residence there,” Noelia tells this medium in a telephone conversation.

If you ultimately decide to make your home here Calmness, noelia Thanks to its excellent position you will be able to do this without any hindrance. A post that started working from the beginning sixth Duration. “I signed up for a intensive course Online 17 months in the world of education MIR Asturias When I started sixth. Until June 2023 it was more lights Because it was combined with hospital stay and tfgbut since june January 2024 It was very intense. I studied “An average of eight hours a day”remember the genius mir,

(The Bulgarian prince who mired in Plasmania surrendered after 5 months: “He was always late”)

“I wanted to be a lawyer”

Success story in studies noelia garciaHowever, it had started many years ago. some of his acquaintances saint sebastian of kingsMunicipality madrid Where she grew up, she was surprised that the young woman had achieved distinction in MIR. Birth madrid In 1999She herself says that “from a very young age”. Mother, Christina MunozA love for daily study and reading developed in him.

“My Mother “It instilled in me the habit of studying a little bit every day and not leaving everything to the last minute,” he says. noelia, who had happy childhoods and academic success wherever they studied. they created primary In this Bilingual CEIP Our Lady of Valvanera And this He And this level In this IES Zone Miroboth are located saint sebastian of kings,

Noelia García, with her mother, Cristina Muñoz, who instilled in her the habit of studying from a young age.


he did his combination studies With a good dose of leisure. “It wasn’t all about studies and I spent most of my time with my friends,” he says. Twelve yearsGirl noelia He spent his time playing on the swing with his friends, eating sweets and when he was at home, he was mesmerized. Reading such wonderful stories Kika Superwitch Or play video games. these two Hobby They have hardly changed and noelia He continues to read signed fantasy sagas in his spare time. brandon sanderson one of two joe abercrombieLike playing video games Stardew Valley,

But what she was worried about as a child was what she wanted to be when she grew up. I hadn’t even thought about it until now. “When they asked me I said I wanted to be Advocate read more Correct, but I didn’t know what a lawyer did. I think that profession will attract people’s attention movies Or something, but I didn’t even know what they did,” reflects Best MIR of 2024, it will be in ESO’s thirdwhen he got inside biology The human body in greater depth; when he got interested Medicine,

From then on, his academic career would forever turn towards ScienceMoving forward step by step until entering a career public university, thanks for doing 13.7 What they achieved in selectivitythe girl entered Autonomous University of Madridwhere was he six years,

(Berta Domínguez, MIR against health: she confesses and is denied a position because she is a quadriplegic)

Record and future MIR

As she progressed, in the final year of her degree, Noelia García began to prepare MIR. An exam in which he has accumulated 186.67 net correct answers, which is a historical record. This 2024, in fact, five of the ten best net scores in history have been obtained and the cut-off mark has been set at 115, two points above 113 in 2023.

And noelia garcia She has been a student who has broken all records. “I knew I had done well the day after I took the test because I got outline Home and I ran it through an application MIR Academies, I already told myself I’d get there 180 Good answers. Still, the day the official results came I wanted to be alone in my room, watching it and absorbing it. I saw that it was number 1 And I got very good marks,” she says proudly.

Noelia Garcia, Best MIR of 2024, aspires to specialize in dermatology or endocrinology.


Then he immediately came out of his room in search of her. Guardianthe bus driver, felix garciaand housewife, Christina Munoz, “We got very excited. It was great and the truth is that all this also happened because of the efforts and dedication of my parents,” he thanked. noelia garcia,

Now, the next step is to choose a feature. The young doctor hesitates in between dermatology And endocrine Because, for them, there is “the greatest intersection” between their interests. “In sixth I was wandering around in both and saw one that I liked clinical practiceIn addition to providing features excellent quality of life Because there is no need to keep guards. Rest is important for me and I feel that if I have to do guard duty, I will not be able to do my job well. Therefore, I would choose these specialties,” he concluded. noelia garciawhose purpose is to collect La Paz Hospital Or ramen and kajalboth in madrid,

Q.– After completing your residency, are you considering working outside Spain?

Answer.- In principle I want to stay here because I love living in Spain and besides, all my family and friends are in San Sebastián de los Reyes. Still, I’m always open to other possibilities. We’ll see in a few years.

(Tags to translate)MIR(T)Doctor(T)Student(T)Dermatology(T)Endocrinology(T)Autonomous University of Madrid(T)Report

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