‘If they had done this to my daughter…’

cases of Robinho and Dani Alves has been the subject of debate in brazil And in several countries around the world, both Brazilian players were convicted in a case of sexual assault against two women in nightclubs.

AlvesThe 40-year-old was sentenced to four and a half years in prison after being found guilty of sexually assaulting a young woman in the bathroom of a Barcelona nightclub in December 2022.

Brazilian football player, Dani Alves, accompanied by his lawyer, Ines Guardiola, arrives at his home after being temporarily released.


Although the sentence had to be served in prison, his defense managed to catch the former player barcelona He must post a surety of one million euros to serve the time left in his luxurious mansion in Barcelona.

Status of robinho It is a different matter that in 2017, the Italian justice system sentenced him to nine years in prison for gang sexual assault against a woman of Albanian origin in a Milan nightclub in 2013.

The player remained free for many years and continued his sports career without any complications, until a few days ago a court brazil They ordered him to serve his sentence in prison in his native country, as Brazilian justice prohibits the extradition of its citizens.

Robinho and Dani Alves.


The three-time champion talked about these two matters. Copa Libertadores, Felipe MeloJoe has a reputation for not hiding from these types of issues and he attacked two of his former Brazil teammates.

If they had done that to my daughter, I don’t think I would be here to give you this interview

“Look, first of all, no one is obliged to talk about it. ‘Ah, but why doesn’t so-and-so talk?’… He doesn’t talk because it’s not necessary, but I don’t talk now. There doesn’t seem to be any problem in doing this,” he began to tell the experienced player. Esporte Globe.

And he went on to say that in the event he was the father of one of the victims, the consequences for the perpetrators would come from their own hands. “I have a 15-year-old daughter. If they had done this to my daughter, I don’t think I would be here to give you this interview. I think you have to respect human beings, you have to respect women ” You have to respect men”.

Kyle Walker and Felipe Melo fight at the Club World Cup


footballer of fluminesne and colombian’s partner john ariasHad left some statements a few days ago regarding the matters of Dani Alves and Robinho And he stressed that he hopes it will serve as a lesson so that similar situations can be avoided.

“This comes like a bomb, but they have to pay for what they did. If they’re convicted, they have to pay for it. And let this serve as a lesson so other people don’t do the same Do it. This is very serious. You have to pay, and after you pay the fine and leave, you have to resocialize.


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