If you are diabetic, this is the best time to exercise: control your blood sugar levels. Health magazine

when a person has diabetesIt is important that you exercise frequently, as physical activity makes the body more sensitive to insulin (a hormone secreted by the pancreas and which allows cells to use glucose in the blood to generate energy).

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says physical activity also helps control blood sugar levels and reduces the risk of heart disease or nerve damage.

Likewise, exercise also provides other contributions to achieving a healthy lifestyle, such as maintaining weight within recommended parameters, improving mood, benefiting memory, controlling blood pressure, cholesterol levels and triglycerides.

Walking as exercise is an activity that promotes physical and mental health. Photo: Pexels

What is the best time for diabetics to exercise?

Based on research published by Diabetologia, the scientific journal of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, the Vide portal explains that if a person is suffering from diabetes. The best time for you to exercise is afternoon or evening.

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The reason is that insulin resistance is reduced by 25 percent and blood sugar control is improved.

Walking provides many health benefits. getty images

Best exercises to reduce sugar

Experts assure that the most suitable exercise to lower blood sugar is aerobic exercise. It is a moderate intensity workout that improves insulin sensitivity, maintains blood pressure and cholesterol levels; Apart from the fact that it prevents cardiovascular diseases, it also protects from both stress and anxiety.

These exercises may include: walking, running, swimming, dancing and cycling etc. Muscle strengthening exercises such as sit-ups, squats and lunges will also always be performed well under medical supervision.


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