It was given to them by the airline

It was confirmed on the social networks of Aeromexico Airlines that a pregnant passenger gave birth to her baby during a flight on March 15.

As confirmed by the airline, the birth occurred on flight AM113, which was covered by Route from Mexico City to Ciudad Juárez. Some passengers shared videos on social networks showing a doctor traveling on the plane and Aeromexico Airlines crew assisting the woman in delivery.

Pilot Sebastian Estrada confirmed, “One of the pillars of this are the flight attendants, they train for these situations. We see today’s case, what happened, they knew how to handle emergencies.”

“Thank you to the incredible crew of flight AM113, the bravery of the doctor traveling with us and this child who started flying in the year of our 90th anniversary, for which he will receive a great gift from us,” he wrote from the airline.

According to Mexican media reports, it was a migrant woman from Haiti and both she and the child arrived at their destination healthy. Upon arriving at Ciudad Juárez International Airport, he was transferred to a hospital to receive medical attention.

As the airline reported, the baby was born on the 90th anniversary of the company, so they gave him a significant gift: he was invited to fly 90 times for free.

Flight Policies for Pregnant Women

Each airline manages its own policies regarding permitted flights for pregnant women. Some rules are international, but in the case of Aeromexico Airlines the following are stipulated:

  1. Weeks 1 to 32: No documents will be requested in this case.
  2. From week 33: You must send a medical certificate proving that you can travel.
  3. High-risk pregnancy in any month of pregnancy: For passengers with this diagnosis, a medical certificate will be mandatory.

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