Jeff Bezos buys his third mansion in the “Millionaire Bunker”: He paid USD 90 million

The six-bedroom mansion, acquired in an off-market transaction, reflects Bezos’ continued interest in elite properties (EFEs).

Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon Inc. and recognized as the second richest person in the world, has recently made another important real estate acquisition which is being talked about. In an off-market transaction, bloomberg The technology leader was reported to have acquired a luxurious six-bedroom mansion Indian Creeka special island south of Florida Popularly known as the “Crorepati Bunker”.

This purchase not only further strengthens the real estate empire BezosBut it also reflects the growing trend among veterans towards investing in luxury properties.

The property is located at 28 Indian Creek Island RoadConnects to other two mansions owned by blue origin The same area was purchased for a total of $147 million. Indian Creek, a man-made island renowned for its opulence and privacy, is home to many celebrities and high-profile figures, including Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump, tom brady And carl icahnThus becoming a prestigious retreat for rich people.

bezoswho announced their move in November miami from the area of seattleIt looks like they have big plans for their properties in the area. According to sources close to him, the tycoon plans to live in his new acquisition while demolishing other homes he purchased on the island, leading to speculation about his long-term vision for these locations.

Although a representative of the Amazon founder declined to comment on the matter to the press, the real estate movement is a clear example of the influence and financial power of the businessman.

Last recorded sale of newly acquired mansion by bezos It dates back to 1998 for the sum of $2.5 million, a testament to the significant increase in property value over the years. the house was earlier Xavier HoltzA former banker.

In addition to its recent real estate expansion Floridabillionaire owns property Washingtonin a field maui and a mansion inside Beverly Hills Which it acquired in 2020 for $165 million.

An aerial view of Indian Creek, the island that has caught Bezos’s attention for his housing and remodeling projects (Reuters)

It is noteworthy that Bezos has sold shares since February. Amazon After not selling shares in the company since 2021, it is worth about $8.5 billion. Although he has not disclosed specific plans for the proceeds from these sales, his real estate investments suggest a focus on diversifying his portfolio and consolidating tangible assets.

bloomberg Told that this movement bezos reinforces the notion of Indian Creek As an area of ​​luxury and exclusivity, the island attracts more people interested in privacy and security.

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