Jennifer Lopez opens up about her relationship with Ben Affleck!

Jennifer Lopez is happy and in love. She couldn’t help but talk about her relationship with Ben Affleck without a filter!

The love story between Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck still fascinates the world. The legendary singer talks openly about her relationship with the actor. MCE TV tells you everything from A to Z.

A love story that makes you dream

In May 2021, Jennifer Lopez got back together with her ex-fiancé, actor Ben Affleck. So after 17 years of breakup, both of them found each other. Since then their relationship has become stronger. as if they never leave each other,

Jennifer Lopez doesn’t miss sending him messages Of love, as soon as possible, On the occasion of her 30th career anniversary, and following the promotion of her new album, the star gave an interview to 50 Minutes Inside on TF1.

so this is his opportunity talk about your relationship, she was without Taboo with Isabel Ithurburu – Replacement of Nicos Aliagas from September 2023. Jennifer Lopez’s eyes lit up when she talked about her relationship with The Town actor.

“I always felt that something incredible was waiting for me,” says Jennifer Lopez. “When we found ourselves with my husband, it was a choice and I said to myself: “After all, you see That it happened!” This is a magical story. “I still have trouble believing it.”

The couple lives well with their blended family. As a reminder, Ben Affleck did this Jennifer Garner has three children, The star gave birth to twins Emme and Maximilian Lopez in 2008. his family peak of happiness,

“Finding balance in a blended family requires a lot of effort. And for us it was a wonderful experience. Everyone had to find their place among others and this made us all grow. ,

Jennifer Lopez opened up about her relationship

The singer is a happy-go-lucky lady. He always gift for her family, “But you have to know how to put your ego aside. We must be very attentive to children, their needs and be aware that this is an upheaval in their lives. You have to be there for them.”

jennifer lopez is always so bright, There fifty fits them perfectly, I don’t even think about it. “It doesn’t worry me too much,” she says. “For me, the important thing is to improve every day.” ,

“And, I think thanks to that, because I’m always trying to better myself, challenge myself and get out of my comfort zone, the passage of time or the fact that I get older, eventually, It doesn’t bother me. Don’t worry too much. »

This is how Jennifer Lopez ended up : “I feel that other people care more than me and say to myself in the mirror: “Oh wow! So it’s true, I’m getting older! The years are passing by! At over 50, I feel great. Something like the name of your show.

and that’s not all ! Jennifer Lopez also says that she Don’t forget your difficult past, “I don’t forget the tough times, but I’m proud of overcoming them. You should never give up. There is always hope, there are signs. ,

This is proof of this‘We must always have hope,

(TagstoTranslate)Actor(T)Love(T)Ben Affleck(T)Singer(T)Couple(T)Music

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