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Biden administration to impose sanctions on more than 500 Russian targets in response to Navalny’s death

Russian elite ban

The Biden administration will impose a new round of sanctions on more than 500 targets on Friday over the death of opposition leader Alexei Navalny and on the eve of Russia’s two-year war in Ukraine, according to a Treasury official.

The sanctions represent the administration’s latest move to impose consequences against Russia amid rising tensions between the two countries.

On Tuesday, US national security adviser Jake Sullivan said the new measures would be a “substantial package”, covering a wide range of items linked to the Russian defense industrial base and sources of revenue for the Russian economy. Who run the country’s “war machine”. ,

President Joe Biden previewed the sanctions earlier Thursday, saying they would be levied directly against President Vladimir Putin, whom Biden said was “responsible” for Navalny’s death. Biden made the announcement in San Francisco shortly after meeting with Navalny’s widow and daughter.

Biden repeatedly condemned Putin at a fundraiser in San Francisco and called him a “crazy HDP,” according to reporters traveling with the US president.

“We have a crazy HDP, that guy, Putin and others. And we always have to be worried about nuclear conflict. But the existential threat to humanity is climate,” Biden told those gathered at the fundraiser. Responding to Biden’s comments, the Kremlin said on Thursday that they were a “big embarrassment” for the United States.

Sullivan described the new package as “another turn of the screw” after dismantling Western sanctions against Moscow since the start of the Ukraine war. Although those sanctions have disrupted Russia’s economy, they have not stopped Putin from pressing ahead with the invasion.

The United States, along with other Western governments, have imposed several sanctions against Russia in recent years, but Russia has accepted them. Putin has started touting Russia’s resistance to international sanctions, which is slowly having an impact.

According to a senior US official, US officials were working on a new package of sanctions against Russia before Navalny’s death and supplemented them after the opposition leader’s death, adding that US officials were consulting with European partners on the new package. Coordinated with.

The number of goals conceded was first reported by Reuters.

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