Latest version of WhatsApp: Trick to activate “Heart Mode” in the application Play play

If you are very romantic or want to dedicate it to someone special then you should try this trick. WhatsApp is an application that changes every moment, According to the website WABeta information, the function that allows you to change the colors of the entire platform, will be available in the first half of this year. Although many people are concerned about this, today I will show you a simple trick that works for me: the tool to activate “heart mode”. What are all the prerequisites? Is there any need to download an application?

Choose your strawberry side. This tutorial requires the use of a third-party application. This means that you will not be able to access your private or group conversations. WhatsApp, as well as your agenda. Because it is completely free and available on the same Google Play store, I can guarantee that it is legal.

Remember that this trick can only be done on Android terminals. It is possible to do this on iPhones, but it will take you some extra time. So follow this tutorial I suggest.

How to activate “Heart Mode” in the latest version of WhatsApp

  • The first thing you need to do is download the application known as “Nova Launcher”,
  • As I mentioned, it is found on Google Play without additional payment. You can access it using Add,
  • When it is already on your cell phone, All you have to do is open it and define the style in which you want your smartphone screen to appear.,
  • You can define the size of letters, size of icons, etc.
  • Once this is done, you need to proceed to the next step: Download heart shaped whatsapp icon.
WhatsApp | Once you open Nova Launcher, click on the WhatsApp icon and the Edit tab will appear. (Photo: Depor – Rommel Yupanqui)
  • can do Find the logo using English words: WhatsApp icon heart. Try to make sure it’s a PNG and transparent.,
  • Now all you have to do is go to your cell phone screen and press the app icon for about two seconds.
  • you will be shown a Floating window where you need to click “Edit”.
WhatsApp | In this way your cell phone will be activated with the new “Heart Mode” in your WhatsApp. (Photo: Depor – Rommel Yupanqui)
  • Now Click on the WhatsApp icon, then go to Applications, Photos and select the heart image that you downloaded earlier,
  • That’s all you need to do at that moment Define the size of the new logo,
  • With this you are done and you will have already activated “Heart Mode” in WhatsApp

Let me show you some tricks to change the color of WhatsApp icons

Did you like this new information? WhatsApp, Did you learn any useful tips? This application is full of ‘secrets’, codes, shortcuts and new tools that you can keep trying and for more notes you just have to enter the following link WhatsApp In Depor, and that’s all. What are you waiting for?

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(TagstoTranslate)WhatsApp(T)Applications(T)Smartphones(T)Android(T)Heart Mode in WhatsApp(T)Trick to use Heart Mode(T)How to activate Heart Mode in WhatsApp(T)This is how you activate You can do heart mode on WhatsApp

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