Maduro dictatorship confirms the arrest of Venezuelan activist Rocío San Miguel

Activist and human rights defender, Rocío San Miguel, was detained by the Maduro dictatorship (EFE/Jeffrey Arguedas).

Hours after receiving information about the arrest of the Venezuelan activist Rocío San MiguelPresident of the NGO Citizen Control, Attorney General of the Chavista dictatorship this Sunday, tarek william saabConfirmed the information and noted that the human rights defender was arrested for alleged links to a conspiracy that also included planning to assassinate Nicolás Maduro.

The capture was confirmed two days later, with the lawyer also detained, according to various NGOs and opposition political parties. At Maquetia International Airport -which serves Caracas-, where he planned to fly with his daughter.

on social networks white braceletThe purpose of which was to attack the life of the head of state Nicolas Maduro and other high officials.

As Saab said in January, ‘White Bracelet’ is the most recent of five plots dismantled by authorities since May last year. For which more than thirty people including civilians and soldiers have been arrested. Venezuela’s defense minister, Vladimir Padrino López, also reported the expulsion of more people. 30 soldiers The Bolivarian National Armed Forces were involved in these plots, including an alleged assassination attempt on Nicolás Maduro.

Similarly, the dictatorship’s prosecutor said this Sunday that the plan “also included attacks on several military units in San Cristóbal (Tachira state) and other institutions in the country.”

Tarek William Saab, attorney general of the Venezuelan dictatorship (Europa Press/Link/Efe/Cristian Hernandez)

He also assured that the investigation “will continue its work, gathering evidence from people related to these serious incidents inside and outside the country.”

This incident was strongly condemned at the national and international level.

Amnesty International (AI) This Sunday he demanded the worker’s “immediate and unconditional” freedom and demanded respect for their rights and “precautionary protection measures issued in their favor” by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) in 2012, as well as “access to lawyers and family members.”

Several Venezuelan NGOs have reported that San Miguel’s family does not know his whereabouts since his arrest last Friday.

The activist reported this month that the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IDC) had requested the Venezuelan state to submit “by May 6” a report on compliance with the sentences handed down in 2018 against her and two others. People, after signing a referendum calling for the recall of then President Hugo Chávez in 2004, for their dismissal from public positions.

Information about his arrest was given by the Provea organization this Saturday. ,Rocío San Miguel has been a victim of harassment, persecution and discrimination by the Venezuelan state, His arrest is a very serious incident that highlights the progressive closure of civil space and the regime’s efforts to suppress critical voices,” the NGO condemned.

Organization Justice, encounter and forgiveness She also spoke about the arbitrary detention of San Miguel and said that “people close to the activist report that more than 24 hours after her arrest they still have no idea where she was.”

For its part, the opposition leader’s party Maria Corina MachadoVente Venezuela assured that with this action “the regime continues to attack civil society as part of a systematic pattern of human rights violations.”

(with information from EFE)

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