María Corina Machado will go to Venezuela’s Electoral Council to register her candidacy for president

María Corina Machado has confirmed that she will present her candidacy for the presidency of Venezuela before the National Electoral Council (EFE/Reiner Pena R).

Former deputy’s campaign command Maria Corina Machado Assured this Wednesday that, between March 21 and 25, they will go to the National Electoral Council (CNE) to register the opposition leader in the presidential elections on July 28, in which she will not be able to compete due to ineligibility. The dictatorship of Nicolas Maduro.

In a press conference, andrea tavaresA member of the opposition political team said that registration of candidates would be carried out in the coming days, as established by the CNE. “And especially from the opposition candidate who is María Corina Machado.”Who is expected to be rejected by the system of the electoral unit, as a result of his disqualification.

“We will not let that victory be taken away from us and the commitment to change is to the end (…) I want to ask for your confidence in the candidate, in his decisions,” he said without comment. The sanction that bars the former deputy from running for public office until 2036.

He also pointed out that the main opposition coalition, the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), is working on the formation of small groups of voters throughout the country and is focusing on registering new voters in the CNE census, which is one in the middle. Will open a special campaign. Before the presidential elections on 18 March and 16 April.

On my part, Campaign Team Coordinator, henry alvirezThe schedule announced by the CNE for the elections is believed to present an “unfair and unequal race”, but, he stressed, this will not prevent the opposition’s victory.

“The Venezuelan people have a clear desire to be free (…) Nothing is going to stop us, no matter what obstacles they put up, Maduro is going to be defeated,” he said, without specifying whether he had an electoral strategy to achieve his objective. There is no other strategy.

Chavismo announces that elections in Venezuela will be held on July 28 (EFE/David Fernandez)

Regarding the possibility of choosing someone to replace Machado as candidate, he indicated that, although the issue is not part of the “narrative” of the campaign, The liberal will do what is “necessary” in the face of obstacles.

“Don’t expect anything different from Maria Corina than what she has done throughout her political career, and in her personal life, she is going to do the right thing for the country, she is going to put the interests of Venezuela first , and he will do so at the necessary and appropriate time.” “, Said.

He said the PUD holds frequent meetings to address issues such as the election cards used to register its candidates. Many opposition groups are subject to judicial interventionTheir symbols are therefore in the hands of those whom they point to as allies of the Maduro regime.

For his part, former governor Henrique Capriles said the opposition should present an alternative to Machado’s disqualification: “This is not a plan BNor do I believe it is the right word to talk about substitutes, (…) I will talk about alternativessaid Capriles, who does not believe Nicolás’s ruling “is going to remove the disqualification as a result of Maduro pressure.”

The ruling United Socialist Party (PSUV) chose Nicolas Maduro as its candidate for July 28. If confirmed this Friday, it would be the dictator’s third consecutive bid to retain power since he came to power in 2013.

Chavismo formalizes the candidacy of Nicolas Maduro for the presidency of Venezuela

then go Venezuelan Electoral Observatory (OEV) It warned Tuesday that the July 28 presidential election schedule would require “hasty” elections, which would impact voting rights and international observation of the elections. Very little time between the call to vote and voting day.

“The National Electoral Council (CNE) announces the date of the presidential elections without guaranteeing sufficient time – at least six months – between the calling and holding of the elections, which Negatively impacts fundamental electoral guarantees”says a report by the NGO.

Among these guarantees, it is likely that European Union (The EU) will send an observation mission to the country – which will take about six months to organize – as established in the agreement signed between the Nicolas Maduro regime and the main opposition coalition last October. Democratic Unitary Forum (PUD).

NGOs also questioned why on March 5, when the elections were announced, the CNE did not publish the full schedule of the contest, “violating” the electoral procedure law.

(with information from EFE)

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