Medicinal plant that helps improve your mood and protect memory

medicinal plants They have been used by various cultures for centuries to treat and prevent disease and their popularity continues to this day It is timely due to its many health benefits, These herbs and plants not only provide healing properties, but can also complement a balanced diet and promote general well-being. And, while some, like rosemary, are known to help fight diseases in Spain, others don’t like Bacopa so much. However, the latter has a lot of properties.

Bacopa monniericommonly known as Bacopathere is one Medicinal plant that has been used for centuries In traditional ayurvedic medicine For its potential benefits for cognitive health and general well-being.

It is an aquatic plant that grows in subtropical marshy areas (India, Pakistan, Vietnam, Taiwan and southern China). In Spain it is known as “Water Swab” and is used to decorate gardens and aquariums, But, naturopathy extracts its properties from this plant to make food supplements.

Properties and Benefits of Bacopa

A study published in the Scientific Journal ‘Phytomedicine’ (title: “Bacopa moniera, a revered nootropic plant: an overview”) states that Bacopa moniera is a traditional Ayurvedic medicine, used for centuries as a memory enhancing agent. Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic, sedative and anti-epileptic. The plant, plant extracts and isolated bacosides (main active ingredients) have been extensively investigated in several laboratories Neuropharmacological effects And there are many reports available that confirm its nootropic action.

The same study said that healthy adults who took 300 mg Bacopa monnieri per dayFor 12 weeks, presented improve memory, the ability to process visual information and learning. And, now, this research has been supported by others in evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine.

On the other hand, as indicated, this herb contains bacosides Natural Health Herbalist, contains neuroprotective, antioxidant and immunoregulatory active ingredients. These substances also enhance memory and cognitive functions Reduce anxiety, depression and stress.

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