‘Memory’ Review: Jessica Chastain and Peter Sarsgaard Deeply Poignant

Is a love story possible between a woman who is a victim of sexual assault and a man suffering from dementia? this is what is proposed Memory By Michelle Franco (sunset,

Sylvia (Jessica Chastain), whom we meet at an AA meeting, hasn’t touched a glass of wine in 13 years, the age of her daughter Sarah (Brooke Timbers). She is a social worker, her life is well organized and she keeps an eye on Sara’s every move. Some people will be content to treat it that way control freakBut the most observant person will say that his desire to control everything – and the two locks on his apartment door – hide a deep wound.

And this is the case. Sylvia remembers being raped at the age of eight and is convinced that it was Saul (Peter Sarsgaard), a strange stranger who followed her after a party and whom she found sleeping in the snow outside her house the next morning. Hua is found to be one of her attackers. This doesn’t stop him from getting in touch with Saul’s brother and legal guardian Isaac (Josh Charles). It is the latter who tells him that Saul is suffering from early dementia and that his memory loss is significant.

But his memory betrays him, with Sylvia’s sister telling him that Saul could not have attacked her when she was younger, the dates not matching. For no apparent reason, she nevertheless accepts Isaac’s offer to take care of Saul.

Equipped with excellent performances from Jessica Chastain and Peter Sarsgaard, Michel Franco explores all the nuances and subtleties of this love story – one would be tempted to add “impossible” to it. Their mutual hesitations, Sylvia’s discovery of the rape she was a victim of, as well as their awkwardness make Sylvia and Saul a deeply human and endearing couple.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5

Memory Will be presented in cinemas in Quebec starting January 19.

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