Militias backed by the Iranian regime launch three missile attacks on US targets in Iraq and Syria

Protesters and militiamen on the roof of a reception room at the US Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq (Reuters/Tayer al-Sudani)

Islamic resistance militia group in Iraq supported by Iranian regime claimed this on Wednesday Three missile attacks on US military bases in Arab countries and SyriaAfter Washington bombed the group’s positions in Iraqi territory last night.

The group said in a statement that the targets were the Koniko base in eastern Syria and Erbil airport in northern and western Iraq and military facilities in Ain al-Asad, where US troops are based within the framework of the international coalition fighting Islamic State. Isis)

The attack was within the framework of their “resistance to the American occupation forces”.According to the note, which warned that the Islamic resistance in Iraq “will continue to destroy enemy strongholds.”

The action of this Iraqi group, which claims the death of a soldier, is a reaction to last night’s attack by the United States, which Three enclaves used by the Kata’ib Hezbollah militia were bombed.Which is part of the pro-Iranian Shia militia Popular Mobilization and Islamic Resistance in Iraq itself.

The United States Central Command (CENTCOM), which operates in the Middle East, Central Asia, and parts of South Asia, specified that the attacks occurred against headquarters and rocket and missile warehouses, an action the Pentagon described as “necessary and proportionate”. Agreed. ,

Pro-Iranian militias attack three US bases in Iraq and Syria (Amir al-Mohammedaw/dpa)

The Iraqi government today described United States strikes against Iraqi Shia fighters in the Arab country as “unacceptable” and warned that They would be addressed as “acts of aggression” and “measures would be taken to protect the lives of the Iraqi people.”

The official Iraqi statement said the new US strikes targeted positions of Iraqi military units of the Army and Popular Mobilization Forces in the Jurf al-Nasr and al-Qaim areas, located about 60 kilometers southwest of Baghdad. Border with Syria respectively.

Additionally, Iraq’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement today that the US Ambassador to the country, Elena Romanovskydelivered “an important message” to the Iraqi government that “will be studied by the Prime Minister and the competent authorities, who will soon take action in this regard,” although he did not disclose its contents.

The latest US strike came a day after Washington issued sanctions against three leaders and supporters of Kata’ib Hezbollah and Fly Baghdad airline for their support of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard and related groups in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon.

The Pentagon said in a statement Tuesday that its “necessary and proportionate” action comes in “direct response to the escalating series of attacks against U.S. and coalition personnel in Iraq and Syria by Iranian-backed militias.”

Protesters carry the coffins of Iraqi Kata’ib Hezbollah fighters killed in a US airstrike in Jurf al-Sakhar, south of Baghdad, during a funeral in Baghdad (Reuters/Tayer al-Sudani)

US Secretary of Defense, lloyd austinThe note thanked the professionalism with which that response was planned and executed and the “continued efforts” of troops fighting on the ground with regional partners to eliminate the Islamic State jihadist group.

Austin warned that neither he nor Biden will hesitate when it comes Take necessary measures to protect their interests.

“We are not looking to escalate the conflict in the region. We are fully prepared to take further steps to protect our people and our facilities. “We urge these groups and their Iranian sponsors to immediately stop these attacks,” he stressed.

The Islamic Resistance of Iraq is a group of Iraqi Shia militias that share a political viewpoint and support the Iranian regime, including Kata’ib Hezbollah, Kata’ib Sa’id al Shuhada, Asa’ib Ahl al Haq or Harakat Hezbollah al Nujabah.

(with information from EFE)

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