MIR 2024’s Best in Medical Writing Podcast

Euphoria, celebration and ultimately peace. Applicants for MIR 2024 Exam You already know what your provisional order number After the results were released by the Health Ministry in record time. And with them, Top ten test serial numbers This year they managed to find out that they are in that ‘top 10’, which is a “gift” received after a lot of effort and which they will never forget.

medical writing This Wednesday is collected through podcastTo discuss the vast majority of the first ten issues of MIR 2024 Concerns about choosing a specialty, the process of preparing for the exam and what they felt when they saw their grades in the provisional lists of the Ministry. The cut-off mark this year was 115, two points higher than for 2023, when it was set at 113. Average of 10 percent of best scores in MIR practice This is 461.3 points with an exam correction factor of 0.19510080208. This data improves the last call’s average, which was 452.3 points.

But, What features will the best MIR 2024 grads choose? Although there are still some doubts, such as the number 1 herself, Noelia Garcia, who has already advanced this Tuesday medical writing He Doubt between dermatology or endocrinology and nutritionThe native of Madrid, who graduated from the Autonomous University of Madrid, is not the only one who has many options. Absolutely number 2 who follows Noelia very closely in scoring, Alphonso Gotter, It has many favorites: hematology, rheumatology, internal medicine or dermatology, preferably in Madrid. A graduate of Complutense, he admits that he left the exam “with a bad body” and did not expect this result at all.

It also considers multiple options The candidate who closes this list of the first ten MIRs is María Álvarez., who hesitates between cardiology, anesthesia or endocrine. Born in Madrid but raised in Pontevedra, she wants to return to a Madrid hospital to train as a specialist doctor.

Rebecca Aldaz, No. 3 in MIR 2024 examIt is clear that he will choose Anesthesiology and resuscitation in Galicia, probably in the hospital in Santiago. In his case, despite being from Pamplona, ​​he studied his entire degree at the University of Santiago de Compostela and wants to do his residency there because it has been a “very happy” six years. “The way to live there, they are cities that have everything but are not overwhelming like Madrid or Barcelona you gain quality of life, I like the idea of ​​being able to walk to the hospital,” he says.

Numbers 7 and 9 of MIR 2024 repeat MIR for the second time to choose Dermatology

Pediatrics but with the “thorn” of genetics

Number 4, Natalia Espasandin, is from Calonge (Costa Brava) but studied medicine at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. His dream is to do Clinical Genetics but since he does not have that specialization yet, he will choose Pediatrics in Val d’Hebron With the idea of ​​retraining later and moving into genetics. “I love the pediatric patient profile and This is a very related specialty towards subspecialization towards genetics.But I don’t think he’ll do another MIR at this point,” he says.

On the other hand, Alicia Albadalejo, MIR’s Number 5will select Ophthalmology in Barcelona, although the hospital is not clear. Despite being from La Roda, a town in Albacete, she studied at the Autonomous University. He says, “At the time they published the notes, I was away from home and I didn’t see it, my cousin called me to tell me it and I couldn’t believe it.” During this, Gabriel Portero, number 8The native of Albacete will choose a hospital in Valencia for his specialization, which is still not clear to him, although it will probably be in La Fe.

Second MIR of ‘Top 10’

Asier Visiana, No. 9 of MIR 2024 He is experiencing a situation different from the rest. In your case this was your second MIR test. First, in 2022, he was ranked 300th, and the Tenerife doctor chose what had been his dream until that moment: cardiology at the Doctor Negrín University Hospital in Gran Canaria. However, he has decided to retake the exam because his experience has been “bad” in terms of working conditions.

“I found out it wasn’t my thing Heavy workload and poor working conditions, Although the atmosphere with the representatives and coworkers was good, the 24-hour guards were the main reason I left, To me this is a form of workplace abuse. Due to the large number of patients to be treated, at times he had to have dinner at 4 in the morning, there were few doctors in that hospital according to demand and the service itself did not discharge residents the next day, so the shifts were tied. 24 hours with another day of consultation,” he explains.

Thus, Now it is clear that he will choose dermatology, a characteristic that is “more in line” with his norms, although he still hesitates between staying on the islands or going to a hospital in Madrid or Barcelona. At the moment, he has “with great desire” in mind a trip to Thailand to take up his second residence.

Apart from Asier, Number 7 has also repeated his exam LIR for the second time diego garciaGraduated from University of La Laguna Presented at MIR 2018After which he chose Interna with number 13. After completing five years of residency, he decided to repeat the examinations for the specialization of dermatology at the Nuestra Señora de Candelaria Hospital in Tenerife.

“The aspect of not guarding is going to be important for me Dermatology, being highly visual, will be an interesting challenge.I always found it funny and had it in my mind as a possibility,” he concluded.

Although it may include statements, data, or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in medical writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We advise the reader to consult a health care professional with any health related questions.

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