MLB cancels deals for 2024 international prospects

A few weeks ago he met new possibilities mlb In your class of 2024. Latin America designed attire with the signatures of hundreds of Dominican and Venezuelan players. But a few hours ago this information came to light through a web portal. diarylibreThat many of those firms had made changes to the identity documents.

The problem with international firms is that agents have credibility on the coaches or academies where they develop. The problem reached its peak in 2007, when dozens of cases were reported where young people falsified their age to be able to choose the firm. Many of them were 19, 20 and even 21 years old.

MLB investigates prospects and cancels 2024 international signings

An academy owner, while remaining anonymous, commented that in 2021 he paid 20 thousand dollars for a young man “13 years old” In 2021. It was in their facilities until 2023, where it was supposed to be signed for a sum of over a million dollars, but they received information that it was three years old.

Of those who had photographs of future prospects, he discovered more than 50, most of them young Dominicans and Haitians. All had pre-agreements in excess of seven figures. The biggest failure was for the young man who was placed in this category “Event 2027”, was scheduled to sign in 2028 and had a verbal deal worth five million dollars. The investigation revealed that he was three years older than the age established in his document, with which he had convinced his coach.

Dominican Republic is the country with the highest rate of return of defrauded baseball players mlbInvestigations have been carried out to ensure the safety and protection of the investments of the teams who are actually affected.

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