“Mortel Adele” on top in 2023

The youth series and its dedicated publishing house are posting good numbers.

After 10 years of collaboration with the Bayard Group, the authors of “Mortel Adele” – Antoine Dole, aka Mr. Tan and Dianne Le Fair – launched their own editorial structure at the beginning of the 2023 school year. Enough to “invest even more in future developments and projects” around the little heroine while the figures for 2023 established by the GfK Institute show the success of this young series:

  • No. 1 youth comic book in 2023: In the children’s comics market, one in six comics sold is a Mortal Adele comic. Among the top 20 children’s comics of 2023, 15 titles are “Mortal Adele”. The new releases “Mortel Adele – Volume 20. J’Apocalypse Grave” and “Mortel Adele and the Relics of the Cat-Lun” ranked 3rd and 5th among the top youth comics with sales of 232,000 and 145,000 copies respectively.
  • Number 1 Children’s Novels in 2023: The new novel “Mortal Adele, VIB: Very Important Bizarre” is No. 1 in the new release ranking with sales of 96,000 copies.
  • Number 1 illustrated in youth: “Le Journal des Bizarres” ranks first in this section with sales of 124,000 copies.
  • No.1 Youth Diary: The “Mortel Adele” school diary is the best-selling diary of the year with sales of 62,000 copies.

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