New ICC president elected for the period 2024-2027

Pictured, left to right: ICC First Vice President Judge Rosario Salvatore Aitala, ICC President Judge Tomoko Akane, and ICC Second Vice President Judge Reine Alapini-Gansou.

Today, March 11, 2024, the judges of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in plenary session elected Judge Tomoko Akane as President of the Court. Judge Rosario Salvatore Aitala was elected First Vice-President and Judge Reine Alapini-Gansou was elected Second Vice-President. Members of the Presidency are elected for a term of three years with immediate effect.

“I am deeply honored to have been selected by my fellow judges to serve as President of the International Criminal Court. The Court requires stable, collaborative and unified leadership in these difficult times. I will focus on promoting dialogue between the Court’s organs and representatives of defense and victims, as well as strengthening dialogue with States Parties and States that have not yet ratified the Rome Statute. I will also prioritize the safety and well-being of the court staff,” said ICC President-elect Akane.

The Presidency, composed of the President and two Vice-Presidents, plays a key role in providing strategic leadership to the ICC as a whole. The Presidency coordinates with other bodies and seeks the consent of the Prosecutor in cases of mutual interest. According to the Rome Statute, the treaty governing the ICC, the Presidency is responsible for the proper administration of the Court, with the exception of the Office of the Prosecutor. The Presidency oversees the activities of the Registry and contributes to a range of administrative policies that affect the overall functioning of the Court. In addition, it carries out judicial review of certain decisions of the Registrar and concludes Court-wide cooperation agreements with States and international organisations.

CPI Press

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