Nintendo Switch 2 may have ruled out major changes in its power

New information suggests that AMD may have bet heavily on building the main chip of the Nintendo Switch 2

Nintendo Switch 2 may have ruled out major changes in its power
Nintendo Switch 2 aims for arrival in 2025

One of the great mysteries of the video game sector at the moment When will Nintendo Switch 2 be officially presented?Especially after the information that talks about its delay until 2025. At present, Secrecy has been maintained continuously since Kyoto In this regard, oblivious to all the rumors that have been emerging around the console for more than a year. Everything indicates that the Switch 2 will be ready for launch in March 2025, although everything to date has been speculation. What is known now is the console There could have been a big change internally,

This is because, according to YouTuber Moore’s Law is overWho had already given information about PS6, AMD would have bet very hard to become the manufacturer of the main chip of the Nintendo Switch 2, However, the big N may have ultimately decided continue with nvidia Following the same procedures as the current model. Bearing in mind that AMD owns the chips Other portable consoles like the Steam Deck and Asus ROG EleThe new Nintendo console could opt for a larger increase in power compared to the current active generation.

for now, Nothing is clear about what the components of the Nintendo Switch 2 will be When it is ready to hit the market. However, this information from the YouTuber matches what has been discussed in recent months, in which Nintendo is betting on the continuation of its love affair with Nvidia.

Nintendo Switch 2 will be officially presented in June

Although the console has not been officially revealed by Nintendo rumors They never stop accumulating on the network. One of the first leakers who predicted a delay for the Nintendo Switch 2 to 2025 also said The official presentation of the console will be scheduled for the month of June 2024, one of the most important for the industry. In this way, the Big N will start paving the way for its next generation in just three months.

For now, we have to wait to know all the details of that new console aim to be very consistent With the present to maintain the path to success.

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