North Korea brutally punishes two youths who watched South Korean TV series

North Korea Television maintains extremely strict policies regarding the dissemination of content and any disrespect can lead to inhumane punishments and even death and the most recent case has caused a shock. Two teenagers sentenced to hard labor South Korean series to watch.

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Bernardo Scotti

According to information received from BBC, Two 16 year old children were sentenced to 12 years rigorous imprisonment South Korean television series to watch. You can see in the pictures received by British media Teenagers were handcuffed in front of hundreds of students In an open air stadium.

In the video you can also see uniformed agents scolding the youth “Don’t dwell too deeply on your mistakes.”

The recording was provided to the above media South and North Development (Sand)A research institute that works with North Korean defectors, and the footage appears to be filmed in 2022.

North Korea maintains complete secrecy Regarding what happens within its borders, where any form of entertainment that is not distributed by the state is prohibited, especially that which comes from the state South Korea.

But despite the measures, Young people are ready to take risks to reach the call k-dramaSouth Korean television series and which represent a threat to government-led propaganda Kim Jong Un.

Video of youth’s punishment may have been distributed in North Korea For conceptual education purposes with this intention alert citizens about consequences Seeing and distributing what the government believes “Decadent Recordings.” A narrator can also be heard in the recording repeating the state’s propaganda.

,The culture of rotten puppet rule has extended to teenagers as well. They are only 16 years old, but they ruined their future”says the narrator of the video. Authorities also released the names and addresses of the youth.

North Korea has limited entertainment among its citizens

Kyodo News via Getty Images

Strict punishment for watching K-dramas in North Korea

North Korea South Korea has tightened penalties for citizens who watch or distribute entertainment. In 2020, Pyongyang has enacted a law under which possession of these materials can result in the death penalty. Earlier the punishment was less than five years in labor camps or prisons.

A North Korean defector told the BBC he was forced to watch the shooting death of a 22-year-old man. He was accused of listening to South Korean music And he had shared movies with a friend.

“If you are caught watching an American drama, you can get away with a bribe, But if you watch any Korean drama you get shotsaid a defector from the British media’s Korean service. “To the North Korean people, Korean series are a ‘drug’ that helps them forget their hard reality“He added.

Pyongyang sees spread of regime K-drama and K-pop Therefore, it wants to avoid any kind of content in the country.

“The praise of South Korean society could soon undermine the system… This is against the monolithic ideology That prompts North Koreans to respect the Kim family, said Choi Kyung-hui, executive director of SAND.

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