Note: WhatsApp codes whose font no one knows how to change

The new WhatsApp functions will allow users to organize their daily activities. EFE/EPA/Ian Langsdon/File

This week, Meta’s executive manager, Mark Zuckerberg, announced through his WhatsApp channel four new functions of the application, aimed at helping users compose messages in an organized manner.

by infobay

These acquisitions are intended to facilitate the organization of information and improve communication effectiveness in messages, especially in group chats. The update, which includes bulleted lists, numbered lists, block quotes, and inline code, is now available on Android, iOS, web, and Mac versions of the app.

Functions are added to the existing bold, italic, strikethrough, and monospace, thus expanding text editing tools for users and channel administrators.

To take advantage of the new text formatting features, the process is simple and straightforward. Next, and following Zuckerberg’s line, are the secret codes to change the font on WhatsApp.

What are the formats to change WhatsApp font?

Many users think that this popular messaging application, WhatsApp, is focused only on transmitting information from one place to another via the Internet, but its operation goes much further than that, since it integrates several commands that each Can serve to give more weight to the phrase.

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