Ortega confiscated the historic fort of “El Coyotepe” from the Nicaraguan Scout Association – Article 66

The dictatorships of Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo celebrated the “robbing” of the historic fort “El Coyotepe”, located at kilometer 28 of the highway to Masaya. Heritage property donated Nicaragua Scout Association By, its then Chairman, rené schickIn 1965.

According to information published in official propaganda media, the mayors of Managua and Masaya justified the confiscation of the building under the argument that it is “a cultural and tourist site.” “It is a historic place, sacred to our people,” declared Griselda Rivas, culture director of the Capitol Commune.

Regarding the acquisition of El Coyotepe, Rivas said that “It represents the beginning of our history as part of the reconstruction of the future and our future, because we are transferring these historical data to our young people.”

Ortega’s supporters painted the walls of the building blank to “show” their illegal act. Photo: Cesar Perez | Via: L19 Digital.

“Monument of Peace”

Director of the Institute of Culture, Youth and People, javiera perez guerratold official media that the location was “symbolic because it represents the dignity, resistance and resilience of our people.”

“Many tragic and tragic events happened at this place. In 1912, our great national hero, General Benjamin Zeledon, faced and fought North American filibusters with an army that worked in concert with others. traitors of our country “They wanted to trample on the freedom of Nicaraguans,” the Ortega official said.

Related news: Ortega regime destroys another university and Nicaraguan Scout Association

“That’s why we, our Sandinista government and institutions are going to save this site to transform it into a monument of peace,” said Pérez Guerra, who this Sunday, February 18, at a meeting of the Sandinista Youth Visited this place with group. js).

Ortega officials and members of the JS visited the stolen El Coyotepe facilities to observe “progress” in the renovation. Photo: Cesar Perez | Via: L19 Digital.

Coyotepe had already been confiscated by Ortega in 1983, but it was returned to its legitimate owners by the former president. Violeta Barrios de Chamorro, in the first months of his mandate. Now, once again the Sandinista regime has expropriated its historic features, as part of its broader campaign to seize the assets of independent NGOs from the state.

Ortega revoked their legal status

Through Ministerial Agreement No. 08-2024-OSFL La Gaceta, published in the official gazette; The state of Nicaragua agreed to close it on February 16. Nicaragua Scout AssociationArguing that “they failed to comply with their obligations before the law and before the General Directorate of Registration of Non-Profit Organizations.”

«The national leadership of the Nicaraguan Scout Association made every effort to avoid this outcome. However, we did not succeed. Despite this, we will not give up and will continue to explore options that allow us to continue fulfilling the mission of the Scout Movement on the national territory in accordance with the laws,” the National Scout Committee announced in a statement.

History of Nicaraguan Scouts

In 1917, the Scouts took their first steps in the town of Bluefields, Nicaragua, when Aubrey Campbell Ingram and the Moravian shepherd Joseph (Joe) Harrison Together they formed the “Morava 1” army. The Scout movement expanded to the Pacific region in the 1930s with the establishment of a Scout troop in Granada, which later spread to Chinandega, León, Managua, Masaya, Carazo, Matagalpa and Estelí.

Over the course of 110 years, Nicaraguan Scouts have participated voluntarily in all natural and political tragedies that have affected the country. According to Media Confidential, their assistance includes assistance during the earthquake that devastated Managua in 1972, as well as response to disasters caused by hurricanes “Juana” and “Mitch”.

Related news: The Scout Association in Nicaragua has suspended its individual activities “with or without uniform”.

In addition, the humanitarian organization participated in human and animal vaccination campaigns, pest control, community cleanups, health education, and other activities whose sole purpose was to provide assistance to Nicaragua’s residents.

The International Scout Movement is present in more than 165 countries and has more than 50 million participants, making it the largest youth organization in the world.

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