Package on the way? Cuban post office delays are in the news again

The Correos de Cuba business group is once again in the news on the island due to delays in the delivery of international parcels.

According to the Cuban Post Office tracker, “My package appears as ‘classified’ in Express Courier about a month ago. It has been marked as ‘invoiced’ and ‘on the way’ to Correios Villa Clara for 17 days Has been listed. “I sent it from Spain on January 8,” he says. cuba directory Via email with related captures.

This is an air shipment which should take approximately a month from that country to reach the recipient “in normal times”. Things are even worse for shipment by ship, which typically takes three months and wait times far beyond that figure.

Complaints continue to accumulate in the institutional profile of Correos de Cuba, which often responds to customers with evasiveness, as if it were a new issue, when in fact its service has not been as desired for years. All this, while lots of money comes in and beneficiaries wait for products they cannot get on the island.

Cuban post office delays

The rationale of this time is fuel. “The root causes of delays in delivery of shipments to their recipients are objective factors related to energy impact and fuel limitations, which certainly have a direct negative impact on our operations and the transportation of shipments to their destinations. Country,” he replied to one user.

An agency carrying out shipments from Spain confirms to our editorial staff: “They tell us that for several days they have had packages in containers in the provinces, waiting for the fuel to arrive.”

But, the complaints of senders and recipients are logical. Some also allege that businesses offering combos and meals on the island or delivering from the US profit. Others do not understand why Correos de Cuba has not looked for transportation alternatives to solve such a delicate issue.

The company suggests beneficiaries “make a claim via telephone directly to the customer service office of the Correios de Cuba messaging company, at the headquarters of that entity, on business days and hours, with the code number of the shipment of interest.” Nos. 76491435 and 76417338, and 50954558, 50954577, 59989843 by WSP.” Additionally, they provide the following contact information:, atencion.cliente@mci.correos.cuAnd diroperació

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