Venezuelan army evacuates 384 people after illegal mine collapse

(CNN Spanish) — The Venezuelan military evacuated 384 people from the Bulla Loca mine, three days after the collapse that killed at least 16.

Venezuela’s Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) began this Friday the evacuation of the illegal Bulla Loca mine, located in the city of La Paraguay, in Bolivar state, three days after the collapse that left at least 16 people dead and 16 injured. Went. , reported Domingo Hernández Larraz, the organization’s operational strategic commander.

“Deforestation and illegal mining”, the military chief said on his account on social networks, adding that 384 people were evacuated on the first day.

According to official information, the illegal mine collapsed on Tuesday and the death toll as of Friday is at least 16 people and 16 injured.
Officials said the bodies of some victims were buried on Thursday, while rescue efforts continued.

It should be noted that the Bulla Loka mine is located in an area that is difficult to access. Environmental expert journalist Fritz Sanchez told CNN this Friday that to reach the place it is necessary to cross the La Paraguay River, which could further complicate the arrival of aid teams.

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