Paolo Guerrero in Lima | Brunella Horna attacks the forwards as Cesar Vallejo fulfills all her wishes. Everything was accepted. Video | Showbiz | shows

Grilled. Brunella Horna talked about the arrival of From Paolo Guerrero to Peru, after receiving an ultimatum to appear this Tuesday, February 20. The host of America Hoy recalled that the Cesar Vallejo University Club fulfilled all his wishes and that he should be grateful.

Brunella Horna makes a request to Paolo Guerrero

“Everything was accepted, Paolo Guerrero asked for a charter, it was given to him, he asked for a luxury house, it was given to him, security, everything. Best Pay, Always Best Intentions”Held.

Brunella Horna hopes Paolo Guerrero will fulfill his contract: “We all experience insecurity”

Richard Acuña’s wife stressed that she hopes Paulo Guerrero will fulfill his contract with UCV and that he will not dissolve the contract, as it could set a bad precedent for Peruvian football.

He stressed, “A bad example cannot be set because Paolo Guerrero is the captain, he is an example for young footballers and we all go through the issue of insecurity.”

Paulo Guerrero and Richard Acuna meet in Lima

Brunella Horna confirmed that Richard Acuña is in Lima and that he will meet Paolo Guerrero after the footballer’s arrival.

The manager of UCV has said on more than one occasion that he hopes the ‘Predator’ will complete his contract and stay in Trujillo for 2 years.

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