PC cites harm from use of public funds in politics – El Nacional

Citizens movement Citizen Participation (PC) today warned about the damage to democracy caused by the use of state resources in campaigns and political advertising.

The entity presented today through its social networks a communication campaign under the motto: “Democracy is a process, more than a vote”, which seeks to publicize rules that ban the use of state resources in campaigns and state advertising. Let’s install.

Law 33-18 on Political Parties, “prohibits the use of public resources of state powers and institutions, including municipal councils, to finance or support in any way activities of particular electoral advantage, including activities deriving from official inaugurations.” Are” the movement said in a note.

campaign of civil partnership This will include short messages and in simple language aimed at making visible any violations of the rules governing the matter, as well as other mechanisms, such as the Atento Contu Vote platform, made available to citizens to report violations. Rule.

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The civil society organization also announced that as part of its electoral observation program it would monitor the government’s advertising messages with the aim of contributing to the elimination of bad practices that have traditionally characterized previous electoral processes in the country.

Similarly, the entity welcomed the signing by the President of the Republic of Decree 1-24, which regulates government advertising, especially in the electoral period, which is in line with the provisions contained in Law 33-18 on Parties, Movements and Political Groups. Strengthens the Electoral System, and Laws 20-23 on the Electoral System, warning that due to the tradition of use and abuse of state resources in favor of parties and candidates in power, good intentions are not enough, as the most important part of the said rules There is compliance.

Citizen Participation (PC) clarified that the circulated version that the provisions of Decree 1-24 apply only when the regulation is published, which is expected to happen within six months, is not correct.


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