Peter Angelos, historic owner of the Baltimore Orioles, has died

baltimore orioles This is one of the teams with the greatest history Major League Baseball (MLB), It has three titles in its showcase world SeriesAlthough the last achievement was achieved in 1983, 10 years before Magnet peter angelos Took over the franchise.

It was a relationship that lasted for three decades until he sold his shares worth $1.725 billion in January 2024. While he was the owner, Orioles won three paisa Eastern Division In American League (1997, 2014 and last time in 2023).

“Rest in peace, Baltimore Orioles owner Peter Angelos.”were the words of nightingale,

Lawyer by profession, peter angelos was born in 1929 baltimore, Maryland. There he established roots and accumulated wealth. This led him to participate in politics in the 50s and 60s, however, at the age of 64 he decided to contribute to the city where he grew up and purchased an MLB team.

Peter Angelos and his tenure with the Baltimore Orioles

the amount for which it was earned Orioles It was $173 million, the highest price ever paid for a sports franchise.

There were many controversial and memorable incidents during his tenure. He sided with the players during the 1994 lockout. He refused to sign the petition to cancel the season, because the document blamed the players for the situation.

He was one of the promoters of two exhibition games between team cuba And baltimore orioles in 1999.

One of his charitable activities is donating money Greek Orthodox Church, since he has Hellenic ancestry. Also, sending five million dollars to the University of Baltimore. He was also awarded Maryland Personality of the Year in 1998.

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