Petro Pacific arrives in Tumaco for “People’s Government”

Although the government had a scheduled program for that geography, the Colombian President did not participate in the events included in the agenda and, on the contrary, He descended into the region only until reaching Tumaco.

He President Petro and Vice President Francia Márquez participated in a meeting with indigenous communities Piedmont and on the Pacific coast of Nariño where these indigenous organizations highlighted their interest in building relations with the government.

That time Interior Minister, Luis Fernando VelascoIt was highlighted that 60 indigenous communities were identified last year and the aim is to identify about 50 more by 2024, a task undertaken by the Ethnic Communities Directorate of that portfolio.

Francia Marquez and Gustavo Petro.

Francia Marquez and Gustavo Petro. , picture: courtesy of the presidency

Minister Velasco announced this The Government will implement a governance model focused on monitoring all indicators related to security and human rights Taking actions that protect leaders and avoid situations such as the recruitment of minors into armed groups.

“Our journey is not just about physical infrastructure announcements, but in this particular journey we believe that Political recognition of communities, recognition of organization and streamlining of processes for these characteristics Which leads to the decisions of the national government,” explained Luis Fernando Velasco.

Gustavo Petro’s Pacific voyage

from the communications office of Casa de Nariño clarified that at no time was the presence of the President confirmed in Barabacos.But the agenda focused on meetings between government officials and citizens organized by ministers and deputy ministers. Therefore, according to Palacio, this is why President Petro did not reach that municipality directly.

The agenda in Barabacos was led by ministers and Vice President Francia Márquez And from there the construction of a Higher Education Center for Arts and Crafts was announced, in which 9.1 billion pesos will be invested by the Ministry of Education and the Peace Fund of the Presidency of the Republic.

“This new educational project is part of your region’s strategy to pivot educational infrastructure such as universities and community life centres. Here we are responding to the needs of young people thanks to the reconstruction of the old San Antonio de Barabacos hospital building and classes will start in the second half of 2024,” said Aurora Vergara Figueroa, Minister of Education.

The government’s Pacific tour began last Monday, January 22, and is scheduled to last until this Friday. The seizure of the Casa de Nariño in that area was announced by President Petro himself through a video shared on his X account in which he detailed “Together, connecting efforts, ideas, initiatives and dreams, we will establish actions that will transform the Pacific.”

The takeover of the “Government of Change” in the Pacific is similar to the one that took place in La Guajira during the past year and is focused on centralizing the presidential agenda in the country’s regions.

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