Prepaid: How many members did they lose due to growth and why will this number continue to grow

Due to increase in prepaid fees since the beginning of the year, 15% of affiliates have already dropped out And The numbers will keep increasing. After a more than 75% increase in health plans between January and March, it is anticipated by various sources in the sector that another increase will be added next month.

Private pharmaceutical companies gave information There was an increase of almost 19% in April and they are planning more increasesFollowing regulation of the sector based on DNU, in line with the intention to update the tariffs every month xavier miley, In this way, the adjustment will be more than 150 percent in just four months.

according to the sources Argentine Health Association (UAS)The initial estimate of 5% discontinuity fell short. Losses climb to between 12% and 15%, he assured. They are users who have moved to social functions or the public system.

,The uncontrolled growth had a huge impact on the members. Similarly, deregulation of social and prepaid services, which leaves coverage to the worker’s free choice, deepens the crisis. This allows prices to be set without controls, ignoring the reality of inflation and wage income. As long as the increase exceeds the contribution capacity, people will stick with the increase until their pockets become loose.“, he pointed out Mario Colton, president of Boreal Salud, which has more than 250,000 members.

“In this panorama, a debate that includes all actors in the system is necessary to find lasting solutions. It is necessary to implement regulatory measures to control excessive growthStrengthen the public system and guarantee universal access to quality care,” he said.

Private pharmaceutical companies are reporting losses, which could reach up to 10 lakh members.

“Total, The private health market is between 8 million and 10 million members. Drug companies are recording losses, which could reach 1 million caps“, he highlighted from his side, Juliet Doldo, Director of Mercer Marsh Benefits for Argentina and Uruguay.

The firm conducted a survey in March that concluded 56% of those surveyed believe that the system is gradually deteriorating, one of the main reasons being increased costsWhich will result in an impact on the final price for the consumer.

The harm occurs, first of all, in individuals “Voluntary” or “Pure Direct”That is, those who pay for the entire plan out of pocket, such as retirees, pensioners, or independent or monotributist employees.

Cancellation occurs, first of all, in individuals, “volunteers” or “net direct”, who pay for the entire scheme.

,Loss is always bad. Young and healthy people finance the old and sick“, opined Hugo Magonza, head of SemikMore details Importance of this group in containing the cost of expensive treatments For patients with disability or chronic and incurable diseases: “In our calculations, 3% consider 46% of the cost of these concepts,

But the situation also affects corporate customers. the thing is that It is becoming increasingly difficult for both users and companies to maintain paying coverage, For 86% of workers, contributions are not enough to cover the cost of the plan According to Mercer’s survey of 74 companies, you are a beneficiary through your employer.

Prepaid companies lose corporate customers

Of that percentage, of 92% Companies make a difference. But organizations are recalibrating. According to the report, while general inflation stood at 211% in 2023, the sector increased prices by 135.6 percent.

Whereas, Companies that paid their employees extra for this benefit suffered losses. An increase of 59.21% in the first quarter and an increase of 150% by April. However, there are also cases where The increase exceeded those figures Cumulative increase of 172 percent.

The data was disseminated within the framework of the “Health Club” program organized by Mercer Collaborate with industry leaders, labor law lawyers, and executives from companies like Swiss Medical and Omint to analyze the latest trends in medical coverage and upcoming increases.

According to Mercer Marsh Benefits, there are companies that have increased corporate health plans by 172% between January and April.

In this regard, Doldo reflected: “He 42% of companies expect health plans to grow by more than 200% this year. The decision on this matter is being delayed “Because there is not enough information about the scope of the new rules.”

Doldo said that “Manage available resources efficiently, Formalize health coverage benefit policies, improve communication with employees To raise awareness about the importance of this benefit and complement programs with wellness initiatives“There are certain actions that companies can take to control their partners.

“We figured it out Companies are reducing plans or changing prepaid benefits offered to employees“, stated in that line Paula Pa Ariat, Economist and director of Gestin Consultants.

(TagstoTranslate)Prepaid(T)Private Medication(T)Increases(T)Fees(T)Partners

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