Press in Chicago asked Sammy Sosa about banned substances

sammy sosa a true legend Major League Baseball (MLB) It’s about those epic competitions mark mcguire To see who hits the most home runs. Apart from this, he has had seven selections in his long career of almost 20 years. all StarSix silver bats and award of Most Valuable Player (MVP) of the National League in 1998.

But a career that ended with 609 home runs, 2,408 hits and 1,667 runs batted in was also marred by the use of banned substances. big league, It is a case of steroids, a fact that has undoubtedly reduced his chances of entry hall of fameto be included in a list that includes McGuire, Alex Rodriguez and Barry Bonds.

best moments of sammy sosa In mlb they took the uniform chicago cubs, The organization he was associated with between 1992 and 2004. Although he also played in another team in the city, white soxFrom 1989 to 1991. That means the Dominican showcased his talent there for 15 years.

Sammy Sosa lived through a tense moment when he was questioned

So almost two decades after leaving cubSosa decided to return chicago, the city that saw him shine. Although for one group of fans it meant the return of one of their idols, for others it also meant the return of someone who broke the rules of the game. mlb,

Midway through his stay, it was practically clear that he would be questioned about steroid use. Same thing happened in front of journalists too Fox News and NBCWho took the opportunity to do so.

,This is a question I didn’t expect from you. But I am a mature man now. I feel good and I’m happy“, Said Sammy Sosa, Left after giving this statement. Earlier, he had talked about recognizing his mistakes and some misunderstandings that happened in the past.

The shadow of controversy has always been on the person born San Pedro de MacorisAfter this, in 2009, he was in the list of players who tested positive in the steroid scandal.

It’s worth remembering Soft He never accepted cheating. But this incident ruined his wishes cooperstown were practically reduced to zero.

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