Problems persist with Traveling APK despite new version

The Viajando application (APK), which facilitates the purchase of interprovincial tickets by bus, train and boat, has more than 40 thousand registered users in its new beta version, but despite the update, problems persisted in the purchase of tickets through it Have happened.

The ruling party specifies that this application is a joint project between the Transportation Information Services Company (Sitrans) and the ViaZero company.

According to what Alejandro Rodríguez de la Cruz, head of the project development group, told Granma, 18,709 users were registered in the first days of February alone. On Monday, when tickets went on sale, and after it was announced that it could only be purchased with the new version, more than 15,300 users connected at 8:30 am, causing some stability issues with the application.

Rodríguez de la Cruz explained that stability depends on the number of users accessing the service,
Which is in high demand and its supply is limited. «In this edition, the work focuses on sustainability
of the platform,” he said.

Problems persist with APK Traveling

He said the decision to disable previous versions was taken first to guarantee
computer security of the service, and second, to avoid duplication of tickets when occurring
Use two different platforms to buy.

The official highlighted that version 6.0 has a new visual design and platform for sales,
Updated technologies and better security.

The leader of the APK Viajando application development team explained that beta not only refers to the app, but also the entire infrastructure and platform that supports it. He highlighted that, in terms of security, the platform has improved significantly with updated technologies, implementation of new policies, and incident monitoring.

Although it is better than previous versions, he indicated, we will continue to implement new measures, because computer security must be permanent, especially in a service so relevant to the population.

However, users have been insisting that delays and problems persist in getting tickets through it.

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(TagstoTranslate)Ticket Sales Agencies(T)Transportation Options(T)APK Traveling(T)Download APK Traveling(T)New Version Traveling

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