Protection and welfare of animals in Spain – SpeciesPro

José Ramón Becerra, General Director of Animal Rights, gave a presentation at the sixth AEDPAC Forum held in Ibarzú + Prophete. welfare law, In it he stressed the commitment of the General Directorate to listen to all sectors to get everyone’s point of view, to regulate animal protection, to change and disseminate good practices in matters. responsible ownership,

Protection and welfare of animals in Spain – SpeciesPro

In the commitment to improving the quality of life of animals, Becerra assures that aspects that go beyond mere care are interconnected: “This work becomes a synergistic pillar that directly affects the working environment and therefore , affects business success.” For them, the social factor plays an important role, influencing not only the behavior of customers, but also the way legislation develops around animal care.

This area is like no other; At their core are sentient living beings. It has evolved from a purely work relationship to one of mutual care and emotional benefit. Parents are devoting more and more time and resources to ensuring the well-being of their furry companions.

Fight against abuse and abandonment

For Becerra, the safety and respect of animals cannot be compromised. He abuse Or the negligence represents a reckless reputational risk to the entire industry. The main challenge for general management is to prevent these cases and ensure that animal care standards are a priority in all operations.

Other than this, retirement Pet ownership comes with immeasurable costs, both emotionally and financially. The commitment is to address this problem in a variety of ways, focusing on prevention and direct action:

  • Strengthen identification and registration of animals to facilitate their location and return to their homes.
  • Support local institutions dedicated to the collection and adoption of abandoned animals.
  • Provide assistance and training to police and security forces to enforce legal measures against animal abusers.
  • Promote responsible ownership through educational programs for both adults and youth, encouraging proper care of animals from an early age.

believe in this commitment Animal welfare not only enriches our communities, but also strengthens the reputation and ethics of the entire industry, demonstrating that caring for animals is a shared responsibility and a fundamental aspect of civil society. He concluded with this message:

“We need a commitment from all social and economic agents to improve the safety and well-being of companion animals, so that they are healthier, more loved and happier.”

public questions

The presentation addressed various issues related to animal welfare and regulation of the sale of dogs and cats. Marta Sainz, instructor at a dog school, highlighted the importance of dog teacher training and the development of professional skills in animal behaviour, which will be taken into account in future regulations, starting at the national level and then extended to the regional level. level.

Montse Vinals, a pet shop representative, expressed ambivalence over a possible ban on the sale of animals in regulated stores, arguing that it could encourage illegal trade and not necessarily improve animal welfare. The need to amend specific aspects of the law to avoid unintended consequences and ensure its effectiveness was discussed.

On the other hand, the importance of effective implementation of the law by the public administration was highlighted and the need for adequate training for the police regarding the identification and treatment of cases of animal abandonment or abuse.

It was noted that the sale of animals has decreased significantly since the implementation of the law, creating challenges for the sector and the need to find solutions that ensure its long-term sustainability while respecting the welfare of the animals. Do it.

Ultimately, the importance of local commerce and the need to find a balance between regulation and support for the sector was highlighted, looking for alternatives that would protect animal welfare without threatening the existence of pet shops and responsible breeders. Promote.

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