Radical change in Lady Gaga’s look, the star herself revealed

Physical transformation is nothing new for star Lady Gaga. The singer, known for her eccentric and extraordinary looks, always impresses her fans and fulfills all their wishes. The proof of this is the actress of 28 March 2024 a star is bornRevealed her new look.

Lady Gaga dares to dye her eyebrows

Lady Gaga shared a picture of herself on her Instagram account, which has never been seen before. For her birthday, the singer and actress changed her hair a bit: she appeared with platinum blonde hair as well as eyebrows colored in the same color. An option that gives it a divine appearance.

In the caption of his publication, the star took the opportunity to confirm his personal growth: “Today was a very special day – I can’t remember a time when I’ve been so happy on my birthday. I love my best friend, my family and friends are loving, kind and healthy. I feel like my heart is overflowing with gratitude for my health and my music. ,
He added: “I’ve been writing pop songs since I was little, I can’t believe I can still do what I love. This year will be a big and meaningful year for us, I know. Music changes people’s lives, I’m so honored. A brilliant statement which was liked by over 1.3 million people on the web. a natural star

a natural star

When the star is not revealing herself with sophisticated and original looks, she does not hesitate to appear natural and without artificiality on social networks. On March 4, he shared a photo of himself taken in his bed. That’s how we found Lady Gaga, lying on her stomach on her bed, her hair in a ponytail, a scarf over her head and her face without makeup.

A natural photo that gained almost 700,000 “likes” in just a few hours. One thing is for sure, despite some photos, without filters, Lady Gaga will remain an eternal icon of pop and eccentricity.

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