Russia detains another suspect in Moscow attack but continues to blame Ukraine

A woman carries flowers over her shoulder on the road in front of a burnt-down compound after the deadly attack (Reuters/Evgenia Novozhenina)

The Russian Directive Committee reported this on Thursday Arrest of another person potentially involved in attack last friday in the concert hall Crocus City Hallon the outskirts of Moscow, killing at least 143 people.

“Another suspect has been identified and arrested. Participated in financing terrorists”says the official note.

Investigators will ask the court to arrest the suspect, he said.

According to the Investigative Committee, Russia has “confirming data” that the perpetrators of the terrorist attack had received “significant amounts of money and cryptocurrency from Ukraine” in preparation for the crime.

Evidence of the connection of the perpetrators of the attack on the Moscow concert hall with Ukrainian nationalists was obtained as a result of “work with detained terrorists, study of technical equipment seized from them, and analysis of information about their financial transactions. ” ,

This week, Justice already ruled preventive custody for others Eight suspects were involved in the attack.

Suspects of the crime were charged with terrorism and could have been sentenced to life in prison.

According to the latest official data, the attack on the Crocus City Hall concert hall, 20 kilometers from the center of Moscow, occurred at least 143 dead and more than 150 hospitalizedAs per latest data.

A suspect in the shooting attack on the Crocus City Hall concert hall during an audience in Moscow (EFE/EPA/Sergei Ilnitsky)

The Federal Security Service (FSB) earlier reported the arrest of eleven people in connection with the attack.

Those arrested include Four terrorists involved in the attack.

The suspects who offered resistance were detained on a road in the Bryansk region bordering Ukraine, where they reportedly intended to flee.

Russia has acknowledged the attack on the outskirts of Moscow This was done by the Islamists but they insist on looking for “Ukrainian traces”.

However, Russia has said from the beginning that it considers the attack to have a Ukrainian connection. Kiev has denied this and the Islamic State terrorist group has claimed responsibility.

In a statement, the State Investigative Committee said for the first time that it had uncovered evidence of Ukrainian links. Although he described the nature of the alleged evidence, he did not publish it.

It said that the attackers had got a large quantity of goods Cash and Cryptocurrencies from UkraineAnd another suspect involved in terrorism financing was arrested.

usa He warned publicly before the concert shooting that he had received intelligence about a possible attack by extremists in Russia. US officials say they believe it wasISIS-K, Afghan branch of the network, responsible.

Russia considers it suspicious that the United States was able to name the alleged perpetrator so soon after the attack. The head of the FSB said again earlier this week Without providing evidence, he believed that Ukraine was involved along with the United States and the United Kingdom.

Western security analysts say the attack raises questions about the resources and priorities of Russian intelligence agencies, which are focusing closely on the Ukraine war and the need to eliminate opposition to it within Russia.

(With information from EFE and Reuters)

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