Russian Air Force intercepted a spy plane and two British fighter planes in the Black Sea

Illustrative image. Rising tensions between Russia and the West are becoming clearly visible due to the war in Ukraine (Europa Press/Contact/Cover Images)

A Russian Su-30 fighter plane stopped this wednesday A spy plane and two British fighter planes over the Black Sea, which changed direction after the arrival of the Russian aircraft, the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement.

“A Su-30 fighter aircraft of the Russian Air Defense Guard unit took off to prevent violations of the Russian state border. The crew identified aerial targets as reconnaissance and radio electronic warfare aircraft. RC-135 and two multirole fighter aircraft Storm of the United Kingdom Air Force,” Defense indicated.

According to that department, “due to the proximity of Russian fighter planes, the foreign military aircraft changed course and flew away from Russian territory.”

“The Russian aircraft returned to its base. Violations of Russian state borders were not allowed,” Defensa said.

The Russian command stressed that the combat flight was carried out in strict compliance with international standards for the use of airspace over neutral waters and respecting security measures.

Illustrative image. Russia periodically intercepts foreign military aircraft in neutral waters (Russian Defense Ministry/Handout via Reuters)

A day earlier, Defense had reported a similar situation with the E-3F airborne early warning and control aircraft and two Rafale-C fighters of the French Air Force. Even over the Black Sea.

Russia periodically intercepts foreign military aircraft neutral water And in October last year, the Russian Air Force sent a fighter plane mig 31 to accompany a patrol aircraft Norwegian Air Force Poseidon Over the Barents Sea near the Russian state border.

Two days before the incident with the Norwegian plane, Russian aviation had also intercepted it Two American B-1B strategic bombers In the Baltic Sea.

Even in October, the Russian Air Force had detected a spy plane RC-135 And two British fighters intercepted an American Poseidon spy plane in the Black Sea P-8A Over the Norwegian Sea.

Another MiG-31 had already intercepted a Poseidon on 18 September while it was approaching Russian territory in the Barents Sea.

The increasing tension between Russia and Western countries regarding the war in Ukraine is clearly visible. President of Russia, Vladimir PutinLast Thursday announced the deployment of troops to the west coast in protest against NATO expansion to the east and “the participation of Sweden and Finland in the alliance” and threatened that if the alliance sends troops to Ukraine, there would be “tragic consequences.” . The French President was suggesting, Emmanuel Macron.

During his speech before the Russian Federal Assembly, Putin indicated that military districts of the Moscow and Leningrad provinces would be re-established, a “necessary” measure given the latest developments in the framework of the offensive.

“They are talking about the possibility of sending NATO troops to Ukraine. Let us remember the fate of those who have sent troops against our country. Now the consequences for potential interveners will be much more tragic,” the President said.

In this sense, he clarified that it is necessary to “understand him” Russia also has weapons,

“They know it, we also have weapons that can hit targets on their territory,” he said, before adding that the West “is scaring the whole world and threatening to provoke a nuclear conflict that could lead to the destruction of civilization.” ” ,

“Don’t they understand this? These are people who have not gone through difficult trials. They have already forgotten what war isPutin stressed that Russian forces are moving forward with “confidence” on the ground and carrying out attacks in “multiple directions.”

“The combat capabilities of the armed forces continue to increase, Our units firmly retain the initiative, confidently advance in several directions and liberate more and more territories,” he said, declaring that he would make every effort to end the war in Donbass as soon as possible.

(with information from EFE)

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