Salma Hayek, 57, sexy with dizzying cleavage

Canonissimo! That’s one word that can describe actress Salma Hayek. During her last appearance in public, the 57-year-old star left an impression. The Alexander McQueen fashion show takes place in Paris during Fashion Week on this March 2, 2024. For the event, the invited actress chose a devastating look, which left no one indifferent.

an attractive and sexy actress

Salma Hayek shared some behind-the-scenes photos from the show with her fans on her Instagram account. In these photos, which received nearly 500,000 likes, we saw Salma Hayek in a look that was both sexy and sexy. In fact, the wife of François Henri Pinault chose a black suit, composed of pleated pants and a fitted blazer jacket. Another detail and no less important: the plunging neckline of the blazer that gave a glimpse of the actress’s chest. In the comments of the publication, we can read “You are at a high level”, or “You are excellent” or “What a beauty!”.

The plunging neckline look is nothing new for Salma Hayek. She shows off her chest without any hesitation and has the courage to wear sexy outfits. A few days ago, the actress wore a red patent leather jacket during the Gucci show during Fashion Week in Milan. A fitted piece with a closure that once again exposed her bust.

Salma Hayek: Queen of Instagram

This March 3, Salma Hayek once again left a mark. While still in Paris for Fashion Week, the 57-year-old star was invited to the Balenciaga fashion show. Attending with her husband, this time she opted for a more classic outfit: a black tweed suit and a pair of pointed-toe pumps. A very attractive outfit that she has not yet revealed on social networks.

During the fashion show, the actress was also seen complimenting Balenciaga muse: Kim Kardashian. The two women sitting next to each other talked several times and seemed very close. We imagine that Salma Hayek will be sharing photos of her look very soon to her community of over 28 million subscribers. just that !

One thing is certain, Salma Hayek attracts attention with every appearance she makes. And we understand why!

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