Santiago Internist Doctors Meeting | More than 1,200 trainees meet in Santiago to analyze COPD

More than 120 trainees meet in Santiago to analyze COPDMarta G Brea

more than 120 trainees of the whole country They gather this Thursday and Friday santiagoon the occasion of celebration of XVII Meeting of the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Group of the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine (SEMI), there will be a meeting in the Faculty of Medicine USC, where key diagnostic and treatment developments in COPD and its comorbidities will be analyzed.

During the meeting we will delve deeper into other topics, including The relationship between this pathology and sexual disorders or dysfunctions, Quality of life of those who have it or alcohol consumption In COPD and its implications, in addition to analyzing the current situation future scenario of treatment Or news of vaccination in a person who lives with the pathology. The significant relationship between this disease and cardiovascular risk or the binary artificial intelligence and COPD will also be discussed. Likewise, within the framework of the meeting, the awards ceremony of the seventh edition of the Miguel Angel de la Puente Awards will take place.

From the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine (SEMI) he explains that he has been participating for the last two decades A paradigm shift of this disease, As it has moved from “an exclusively pulmonary disease with a progressive, irreversible course and few therapeutic options” to a systemic, complex, and heterogeneous disease, it has evolved.

in spain, the trend The general population aged 40 to 80 has COPD 11.8% and 79 comorbidities (associated diseases) related to COPD.

Program for this Thursday

Appointment will start today at 3:00 PM with delivery of documentation. next Communication and clinical cases will be analyzed Cristina Barbagellata and Elena Fernández Bauza, from the University Hospital Complex of A Coruña and Ferrol, respectively, as moderators. Between 5:00 pm and 5:45 pmat the first round table About this Updates on publications and conferences, It will be moderated by María Dolores Ibáñez from CHUS, and will feature an exhibition of the top articles of the last year by Ramon Boixeta from Mataro Hospital and the ATS-SEPAR-ERS 2023 Congress, led by Zoel Peña from German Trias. University Hospital. I Pujol. Later, starting at 6:15 pm talk title COPD and Alcohol, The speaker will be Ignacio Novo from CHUS, and it will be moderated by Iván Fernández Castro from the Hospital Clínico de Santiago.

This day will end with SEMI COPD Group Meeting, prior to inaugural conference The meeting is titled Trainee in Hymenoptera Allergy.

Saturday will give way to V COPD residents meeting Of the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine (SEMI).

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