Sea or mountains: which is the best holiday destination to boost mental well-being?

Researchers concluded that association with green spaces is more conducive to health due to its anti-stress effect compared to blue spaces such as oceans, lakes, rivers, etc. (pictorial image infobae)

A few days’ rest is almost mandatory for good health physical and mental health, and when choosing a place Holiday There are different tastes. For some people, there’s nothing better than an endless blue horizon Wave’s And sand. For others, the pure air of the mountainsIts vegetation and steep trails are the best option to enjoy.

Apart from personal interests, there are other reasons that can make us choose one destination over another: our health. Some people may benefit more from seaside holidays, while others enjoy it better in the mountains.

Graduate Marisol BarreiroClinical Neuropsychologist, Psychologist, Rehabilitation and Psychology Area Coordinator at Sanatorio San Gabriel (MP 73453/ MN 45683), expressed infobae: “Contact with nature and its colors not only relieves some symptoms Depressionbut also enhances a person’s ability Healthy living, self-esteem, social relationships and happiness,

For his part, the lawyer Annalia TarasiewiczWork psychologist and director of consulting firm work better Said: “In these times, going on holidays is enough psycho-emotional challenge, Most people view the rest period as a point of arrival after a hard work year. There is a difference between relax and vacation, While the holidays may just include change view‘To be present on leave’ means deep connection with yourself and environment, Rest, Reflection and Renewal,

The mountain offers more isolation and introspection as opposed to contact with the sea, but the reaction is individual (illustrative image infobay)

Meanwhile, Doctor… alejandra gomezPsychoanalytic therapist, psychiatrist, member of the Argentine Psychoanalytic Association (APA), member of the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA) and master’s degree in Psychoneuropharmacology, explained infobay, In a recent note on a study published in PubMed (in 2021), the incidence of blue and green space as agents stress reliever And this improves health.

“There is growing interest in the ways natural environment They influence the development and progression of long-term health conditions. vegetation And this water bodiesalso known as green and blue spacehas the potential to influence health and behavior by providing aesthetic space for Relaxation, socialization and physical activity“, the doctor described.

And he continued: “The researchers concluded that in terms of exchanges, relationships with green spaces would be more favorable for health due to anti-stress effect, other than blue spaces like oceans, lakes, rivers. Maybe this can be a piece of information for choosing a place for holidays,” he expressed.

Being present on vacation implies a deep connection with oneself and the environment, rest, reflection and renewal (illustrative image Infobae)

“Each subject will be able to choose their location and type of leisure according to their wishes and preferences. It can be said that Mountain offers more Solitude And introspection “Unlike ocean exposure, but the reaction is individual,” Gomez said.

According to Ms. Barreiro, “The Nature It is possible Positive impact states of mind and aspects cognitive functionincluding the Memory Both useful and effective shock absorber But anxiety and stressSeveral scientific studies have shown that exposure to green and blue spaces produces effects Rest For him Brain,

And he said that exposure to the natural environment can cause this restore Processes of the prefrontal cortex in tasks such as Selective attention, problem solving, inhibition, and the ability to multitask.

On the other hand, Dr. Gomez cited another study published in the journal Nature. The study states that “being close to the natural world, having fun in it, and feeling psychologically connected to it are linked together.” better mental healthBut many questions remain related to the exhibition. The frequency of recreational visits to green, inland blue, and coastal blue locations in the past 4 weeks was positively associated with welfare and negatively with mental anguish, Furthermore, green spaces were associated with a connection with nature. Less likely to use depression medications,

Blue and green spaces are stress-reducing agents and improve physical and mental health (illustrative image infobay)

“On the contrary, visiting blue interior space were associated with a greater likelihood of using medications for Worry, The results highlight the benefits of multiple-exposure, multiple-response and multi-country studies to explore the complexity of the relationships between. nature and healthThe researchers said.

More recently, another study from Washington State University suggested that even small differences in the availability of urban green and blue spaces may be linked to pollution. Better physical and mental health in older adults.

published in magazine health and placeThe study is based on greater health survey data 42,000 people aged 65 or older Who lived in urban areas of Washington state between 2011 and 2019.

In their analysis, the researchers linked respondents’ general and mental health outcomes to a variety of measures that quantified access to green and blue spaces such as forests, parks, lakes, and rivers within their residential ZIP code.

Studies suggest that being in nature restores tired circuits of attention and cognitive fatigue, which opens the door to creativity and emotion regulation (illustrative image infobay)

“It is believed that exposure to green and blue spaces can help slow cognitive declinesaid Solmaz Amiri, a research assistant professor at the WSU School of Medicine and researcher at the Research and Education Institute to Advance Community Health (REACH). “We would like to know whether exposure to green and blue spaces can directly influence Madness Or can you do this by reducing the mental health problems that it can cause? cognitive impairment,

According to Dr. Gomez, “The ‘right’ place is that which is possible at each age and Situation. Of life. There recommendations Alone or together, organized or free, depending on age, economic and physical possibilities, health status (suffering from certain diseases, proximity to a medical center, access to health coverage and purchase of medicines, for example) The trips, the type of company, to name a few variables, but it will always be a comfortable and tailored place, and above all, without forcing possibilities, beyond the tourist hype!

For Ms. Barreiro, “We live surrounded by technology‘trapped’ by cell phones and computers, and although these small devices are full Revolution They have isolated us from others too Happiness, Some scientists and their contributions neuroscience show that our Brain Was not designed to withstand this information bombardment, which can cause mental fatigue, heaviness and exhaustion, Therefore, they consider that through their study Nature restores tired circuits Meditation and cognitive fatigue, which can help us be more open creativity And this solution to the problem, And being less irritable, which will lead to better regulation of emotions.

Some health problems have more benefits from holidays at sea, while others are improved in the mountains (illustrative image Infobae)

In conclusion, according to the psychologist, “The choice depends on Desire of the individual, it is a subjective choice, the key lies in disconnect of daily routine, detoxification use of electronic devices, alive and connect with nature to create mental relaxation,

And Barreiro added: “Vacation planning doesn’t have to be stressful, it has to be eliminate expectationsthey produce Worry To try to continue following some guidelines that we want to fulfill as per the imagination and idea. And then they don’t work, this feeling arises Disappointment And disappointments Personal. It is necessary to surrender to RestTo enjoy this moment, activities in contact with nature, whether it is the sea, mountains or vegetation.

Beyond personal preferences, the conditions of solar radiation, heat, wind and humidity that occur adjacent to Sea They make a unique combination. Experts say that these factors are favorable for people who suffer from certain health problems: respiratory, skin problems (eczema, atopic dermatitis or psoriasis), Allergies and those who have fragile health (Sun radiation produces vitamin D, which regulates immunity).

Experts highlight digital disconnection as a basis for achieving true relaxation on vacation (illustrative image Infobae)

On the other end, Height Respect for the ocean explains a good part of the benefits of living in it the mountains, number of red blood cells significantly increases and transports blood cells oxygen optimally to the tissues. As a result, the body experiences remarkable strengthening. People Allergies or together respiratory system problems They benefit greatly because pollen, mites, mold and other allergens are significantly reduced with altitude. Experts say that the climate of the mountains is especially recommended for people suffering from insomnia, chronic and recurring skin and lung diseases.

Some tips from Annalia Tarasiewicz Are:

  • Try digital disconnection: Avoid using your cell phone to enjoy the present moment and minimize distractions.
  • Avoid getting too tired: “Doing thousands of activities, covering free time, not getting carried away, going shopping… We often find ourselves doing things that we would not do during the year, such as climbing on the beach or Running, depending on whether we’re with kids, pets or family members,” Tarasiewicz said.
The key, experts say, is to abandon the daily routine, become active and connect with nature to induce relaxation on a mental level (illustrative image Infobae)
  • Find Activities That Flow Naturally And allows you to enjoy relaxation without pressure or obsession.
  • Focus on Wellbeing: Prioritize health and feeling good through physical activity, meditation or simply relaxing.
  • Reflection and self-awareness: “Taking time to evaluate our needs and priorities, recognizing when we need to take a break and adjusting our routine as needed,” Tarasiewicz said.
  • Enjoy the present: Avoid the mindset of constantly ‘capturing the moment’ through photos or social media, and instead, fully immerse yourself and enjoy the experiences in real time.

“On your return, take time to change stadiums, take a reflective moment to understand what happened, feel and reminisce about the good things through photos and videos and conversations with your loved ones. And something very important: Learn to take daily microvacations. Incorporate small moments of relaxation and joy into your daily routine, such as enjoying a quiet meal, taking a leisurely walk, connecting with nature and family, friends or a partner, or dedicating time to a hobby,” the expert said. concluded.

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