Seawise Giant: The amazing story of the largest ship ever built

image Source, Aukeweiser/Toby Young


This supertanker was bigger than New York’s Empire State Building.

  • Author, contract
  • Role, bbc news world

In the 30 years of its existence, the Seawise Giant has won many titles: the world’s largest ship, the world’s heaviest ship, the largest capacity, or the largest vehicle ever built by humans.

And it had many names too: Seawise Giant, Happy Giant, Jahre Viking, Knock Nevis and Mont.

This ship is known as super tanker,

Just as it could transport millions of liters of oil, it was also so large that it was impossible for it to enter many ports. And because of its dimensions, it was prevented from transiting major interoceanic routes such as the Panama Canal or the Suez Canal.

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