Senate preparing reform to regulate cosmetic surgery

Mexico City, January 26 (EL Universal). – The Murray bench in the Senate will introduce a reform initiative in the next regular session that would seek to eliminate the existence of “duck” clinics, beauty salons or spas that offer treatments or cosmetic treatments. Surgery operations were carried out in that area without health workers and doctors with postgraduate degrees, causing serious harm to health and deaths of patients.

Senator José Ramón Enríquez Herrera said, “We require that aesthetic medicine be treated by a doctor who has the knowledge and a recognized postgraduate degree.” He explained that the initiative is ready with a draft decree to reform Article 79 of the General Health Law.

During the XXVIII International Congress of Aesthetic Medicine, Aesthetic Surgery and Obesity held in Veracruz, he reported that “the rise of the beauty industry has led to the proliferation of non-certified centers and physicians who perform more invasive procedures, ranging from facial filler injections.” Surgery. , without proper medical training”.

Appearing before experts and academics, he indicated that the problem is exacerbated by a lack of regulation in some countries, which allows people without a license or experience to perform aesthetic interventions.

“That is why there is a risk that any person who does not pursue a profession with a master’s degree in aesthetic medicine and who performs any aesthetic procedure without technical knowledge in the matter may cause harm to health, which is often irreparable. Is.” He indicated. ,

At the event organized by the Institute of Higher Studies in Medicine (IESM) and the Universidad del Conde (UDC), he indicated that the reform that will be a priority for approval in the period of the next session establishes that “medicine for professional practice, Activities in the field of aesthetics, reconstructive surgery, aesthetic medicine and its branches; and others that other applicable legal provisions establish, requiring that professional titles, degrees, or specialization certificates be legally issued and registered by the educational authority. competent and has the appropriate professional license”.

Similarly, only doctors specializing in aesthetic medicine can perform aesthetic medicine and longevity procedures who have the necessary equipment and trained personnel to assist in the said surgical procedures.

Speaking before 1,500 doctors and experts from the country, he said that an aesthetic procedure is understood as any surgical or non-surgical mechanism to improve the appearance of a human being.

“The above establishments that fail to comply with the provisions of this principle will be fined, suspended and closed by the health authority,” said the Durango doctor and legislator.

The formal inauguration of the program was led by Dr. Marco Antonio Conde Pérez, Rector of the Institute of Higher Studies of Medicine, and Lizette Álvarez, Mayor of Alvarado, Veracruz.

(TagstoTranslate)Institute of Higher Learning(T)Aesthetic Medicine(T)Cosmetic Surgery Operation(T)Aesthetic Surgery(T)Beauty Salon(T)Reduction

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